Rituals Dining Reunion Goings On

Click, click. A class assembles on the Widener steps for an official portrait, and the audience joins in. Photograph by Jim Harrison

The festivities peak with addresses by President Neil L. Rudenstine and Secretary of State Madeleine K. Albright.

Be sure to see the Harvard Calendar, "A Special Notice Regarding Commencement Exercises", and "For Further Details".


50th Reunion Symposium, at 2. Panel discussion with Harvard faculty members and administrators. Science Center.


Phi Beta Kappa Literary Exercises at 11, with poet Paul Muldoon and orator Anne Fadiman '74. Sanders Theatre.

Seniors' Procession to baccalaureate services forms in front of Holworthy Hall, 1:40. Caps and gowns must be worn.

Baccalaureate Services for graduating seniors, at 2. Memorial Church. (Seating for parents is not available in the church, but proceedings are broadcast to Tercentenary Theatre.)

Kennedy School Class Day Speaker. Kennedy School Forum.

Senior Picture, at 4. Widener steps.

Class of 1997 Clambake for seniors and their guests, 5:15. By reservation only ($35 per person). Palmer-Dixon Tennis Courts.

30th Annual Harvard Extension Alumni Banquet, at 6. Speaker to be announced. For Extension alumni and imminent graduates by reservation only. Quincy House.

Divinity School reunion classes reception and dinner, from 5:00. Harvard Club of Boston, 374 Commonwealth Ave.


Divinity School Alumni/ae Day, from 9:00. Events include a worship service, an alumni/faculty booksigning, a luncheon, the annual association meeting for students and alumni, and a keynote lecture by G. Timothy Johnson, M.D., assisting minister at Community Covenant Church in West Peabody, Mass., and lecturer in medicine at Harvard Medical School.

25th Reunion Symposia, 9:30-11. Panels featuring faculty members and classmates.

50th Reunion Picture, at 10:30. Widener steps.

50th Reunion Symposium, at 10:45. Panel discussion with faculty members and classmates. Science Center.

ROTC Commissioning Ceremony, at 11. Steps of Memorial Church.

25th Reunion Picture, at 11:15. Widener steps.

Class of 1997 Picnic Luncheon for seniors and guests (by reservation), noon. The Old Yard.

Law School Alumni Spread, 12-2. Presentation of Alumni Association Award. Jarvis Field, behind Harkness Commons.

Senior Class Day Exercises, at 2, featuring student orations and keynote speaker Quincy Jones. Tercentenary Theatre.

25th Reunion Symposia, 2-3:30. Panels with faculty and classmates.

Law School Class Day Exercises, at 2:30, with speaker Anthony Lewis '48, Nf '48. Holmes Field.

Master's Reception, 4-6, for Graduate School of Arts and Sciences degree candidates and guests. Dudley House.

Law School Reception, 4-6, for degree candidates and guests. Jarvis Field.

Divinity School Graduation Service, at 4:30. Memorial Church. Reception follows. Andover Hall lawn.

Masters' Receptions, at 5, for seniors and guests. The Undergraduate Houses.

Graduate School of Education Pre-Commencement Ceremony, at 5, Gutman Hall, followed by reception in Radcliffe Yard for graduates and guests, 6-7.

Graduate School of Design Reception, 5:30-7:30, for degree candidates, guests, and alumni. Gund Hall garden.

Band and Glee Club Concert, at 8. Tercentenary Theatre.


Law School Champagne Breakfast, 7-8:30, for graduates and guests. Jarvis Field.

Graduate School of Arts and Sciences Breakfast with the Deans, 7:15, for degree candidates and guests. By complimentary ticket. Biological Laboratories Courtyard.

Yard Gates open, at 7:45.

Senior Class Chapel Service, 8:15. Memorial Church.

Academic and Alumni/ae Procession begins, at 8:45. Parade forms in front of Harvard Hall for 25th, 35th, 50th, and older reunioners with tickets. The Old Yard.

The 346th Commencement Exercises, at 10. Tercentenary Theatre.

Class Headquarters and hospitality rooms open for College classes that have reserved in advance, at 11:30. Check at the Information Center in the center of the Old Yard for specific room locations.

Graduate School of Arts and Sciences Degree-Awarding Ceremony, 11:30, Sanders Theatre.

Graduate School of Arts and Sciences Champagne Reception, 11:30, and luncheon, by ticket, to follow. Biological Laboratories Courtyard.

The General Alumni/ae Spread, 11:45. Tickets ($15) available at the spread or in advance at the HAA Office. The Old Yard.

Luncheon and Diploma Ceremonies for seniors and guests, at 11:45 (luncheon by ticket). The Houses.

The Tree Spread, for College classes of 1913 through 1946, at 11:45. Alumni/ae are guests of the College by invitation. Tickets ($30) for widows, spouses, and guests available by reservation through the HAA. Tents at Holworthy, Holden, Canaday, and Phillips Brooks House Quadrangles.

Kennedy School of Government Diploma Ceremonies, 11:45, followed by luncheon for graduates and guests.

Graduate School of Design Diploma Ceremonies, noon. Luncheon (by ticket) follows. Gund Hall garden.

Graduate School of Education Diploma and Certificate Ceremonies, noon, in Radcliffe Yard, followed by luncheon (by reserved ticket) in Cronkhite garden.

Law School Luncheon and Diploma Ceremony, noon. Holmes Field.

Divinity School Spread, at 1, and diploma ceremonies. Andover Hall lawn.

Extension School Diploma Ceremonies, at 1. Loeb Drama Center.

Extension School Certificate Ceremonies, at 1. Lowell Hall.

Alumni/ae Parade forms by class, including the class of 1997, 1:45, in the Old Yard in front of Harvard Hall. The Afternoon Exercises: Commencement Addresses and the Annual Meeting of the Harvard Alumni Association, at 2:15. President Rudenstine and Secretary of State Albright will speak. Tercentenary Theatre.

Harvard Gay & Lesbian Caucus Commencement Dinner. Cash bar at 4:30; dinner at 6:30. The Faculty Club.

Radcliffe Welcome Dinner, 6-9, with President Wilson, for Radcliffe reunioners and guests (by reservation). Radcliffe Yard.


35th Reunion Symposium, 9-10:30. Panel with classmates. Science Center.

Radcliffe Commemorative Service to honor all alumnae, at 9. Memorial Church.

Radcliffe Symposium, 10:15, "The 21st Century: Defining the Challenges," with author Alice Adams '47, law professor Elizabeth Bartholet '62, U.S. Deputy Attorney General Jamie Gorelick '72, and historian Nancy Cott. Loeb Drama Center.

Radcliffe College Alumnae Association Luncheon, at 12:30. Address by Radcliffe Medal recipient Jessye Norman. By reservation only. Radcliffe Yard.

35th Reunion Symposium, 2-3:30. Panel with classmates. Science Center.

Radcliffe College Alumnae Association Annual Meeting, at 2:30. Presentation of Distinguished Service Awards and Jane Rainie Opel Award. Agassiz Theatre.


Associated African-American Harvard Alumni Reunion Gathering, 2-5. For details, contact Deborah Pilgrim at "dpilgrim@fas.harvard.edu" or Nick Basden at (617) 493-4049. Cabot House.


Harvard Alumni Association, Wadsworth House, (617) 495-5731 or (617) 496-alum; e-mail, "haa@harvard.edu"; website, "https://www.haa.harvard.edu".

Radcliffe College Alumnae Association, 79 Brattle St., (617) 495-8641; e-mail, "rcaa@radcliffe.edu"; website, "https://www.radcliffe.edu".

The Harvard Information Center, ground floor, Holyoke Center, has information on special exhibitions, special events, and Commencement coverage by WHRB (95.3 FM) and WGBX (Channel 44). Hours, Monday through Saturday, are 9 to 4:45; (617) 495-1573.


To accommodate the ever-increasing number of those wishing to attend Harvard's Commencement Exercises, the following guidelines are offered in an attempt to facilitate entry into Tercentenary Theatre on Commencement Morning:

Each degree candidate will receive a limited number of tickets to Commencement. Parents and guests of degree candidates must have tickets, which they will be requested to show at the gates prior to entering Tercentenary Theatre. Note: A ticket allows admission into the Theatre, but does not guarantee a seat. While seating capacity is limited, there is standing room on the Widener steps and at the back and side of the Theatre for viewing the exercises.

Alumni/ae who are attending their major reunions (25th, 35th, 50th) will receive tickets at their reunions. Alumni/ae in classes beyond the 50th may obtain tickets for seating in the Theatre from the Classes and Reunions Office at Wadsworth House. A very limited supply of tickets will be made available to all other alumni/ae on a first-come, first-served basis. These tickets may be obtained through the Harvard Alumni Association at Wadsworth House.

Because of space limitations, alumni/ae from non-major reunion years and all spouses are requested to view the Morning Exercises via large-screen televisions situated in the following locations: The Science Center, Sanders Theatre, most of the undergraduate Houses and professional schools. Ample seating is provided at these locations, for which tickets are not required.


The Harvard Alumni Association's Annual Meeting convenes in Tercentenary Theatre on Commencement afternoon. All alumni and alumnae, students, parents, and guests are invited to attend and hear President Rudenstine and Secretary of State Albright deliver their addresses. Tickets for the afternoon ceremony will be available through the Harvard Alumni Association, Wadsworth House, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138.

~ Richard M. Hunt, University Marshal

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