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The Alumni

In this issue's Alumni section:
Let's Go Professional - The Graduate: Commencing...and Continuing - The Struggle to Juggle - Honoring Our Own - Harvard Hopefuls - The Front Line - Well above Par - Passionate Negotiator - Yesterday's News

For more alumni web resources, check out Harvard Gateways, the Harvard Alumni Association's website

The Front Line

The Hiram S. Hunn Memorial Schools and Scholarships Award is given to those volunteers who have shown extraordinary service as alumni interviewers for their local schools and scholarships committees. Six outstanding graduates were named this year as recipients of the award; they represent among themselves more than 125 years of work in the field. Evelyn (Garvin) McCabe '50, of Bethesda, Maryland, Joshua M. Levin '54, J.D. '59, of Summit, New Jersey, John E. Grady Jr. '56, M.B.A. '65, of Tampa, Florida, Phoebe (Keith) Parsons '62 and Stuart Parsons '62, J.D. '67, of Cedarburg, Wisconsin, and Katherine (Auchincloss) Corbin '65, of Arizona, will be recognized at a dinner during the HAA's annual fall meeting, on November 5, and receive their awards at the meeting of schools and scholarships regional directors the following day. The awards commemorate the extraordinary service of Hiram Hunn '21, who recruited and interviewed potential students in Iowa and Vermont for 55 years.

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