
Building a New Information Civilization

Four women leading change in the world of privacy and personal data

by Jonathan Shaw

Toward Reconciliation

Bereaved Palestinian and Israeli mothers visit Harvard.

by Max J. Krupnick

Geopolitics and the Energy Transition

International relations during the shift to a net-zero economy

by Jonathan Shaw

Reforming International Finance

Is it time to reform global financial institutions that support economic and political stability?

by Max J. Krupnick

Harvard Responds to Violence in Israel

As war in the Middle East rages, a war of words is fought at Harvard.

by Max J. Krupnick

The Food-Climate Conundrum

A Harvard Radcliffe Institute symposium tackles sustainable food systems in a changing climate.

by Jonathan Shaw

The Burst of the South Sea Bubble

A Harvard Business School exhibit documents the first global financial crisis. 

by Ryan Doan-Nguyen

The Return of History

Ukrainian scholar Serhii Plokhy on the war in his home country

by Lydialyle Gibson

Spotting Pollutants from Space

A satellite-mounted instrument developed at the Center for Astrophysics will track air pollution hourly across North America.

by Jonathan Shaw

Seeking Climate Solutions

Teams of Harvard researchers have developed concrete proposals for addressing specific climate impacts.

by Jonathan Shaw

Building a Better World

MASS Design’s healing architecture

by Mark Travis