Classified Display Ad Sizes & Design Specifications

place an ad

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Classified Display Ad Sizes & Design Specifications



Dimensions Available

1 inch ads

2.188" x 1"

2.188" x 1.25"

2.188" x 1.5"

2.188" x 1.75"

2 inch ads

2.188" x 2"

2.188" x 2.25"

2.188" x 2.5"

2.188" x 2.75"

3 inch ads

2.188" x 3"

2.188" x 3.25"

2.188" x 3.5"

2.188" x 3.75"

4 inch ads

2.188" x 4"

2.188" x 4.25"

2.188" x 4.5"

2.188" x 4.75"

1/6 page ads


2.188" x 4.75"


4.563" x 7.125"

1/3 page ads


2.188" x 9.625"


4.563" x 4.75"

half page ads


4.563" x 7.125"


7" x 4.75"

2/3 page ad


4.563" x 9.625"



full page ads

with bleed:

8.625" x 10.75"


8.375" x 10.5"


To submit a camera-ready ad:

  • Your ad must have the correct dimensions (see roster of sizes above).
  • The resolution must be 300 dpi (72 dpi—standard web resolution—is NOT sufficient for print).
  • All text should be at least 6pt minimum—or 7 pt minimum for white type knocked out of a colored background. We can't guarantee the legibility of text smaller than 6pt (without a magnifying glass).
  • To get an accurate representation of how your ad will look in the magazine, print the ad out on paper at 100%.
  • If you are using a QR code in your ad, print the ad out on paper at 100% and scan the QR code with a phone to test it (codes often appear larger on your computer screen and may work there, but break in print).
  • Ads should be submitted in pdf format (pdf-x1a preferred) and sent to by the advertising deadline of the issue you wish to appear in.
  • If your ad does not meet the specifications noted above it is not camera ready and will be sent back to you to be fixed.
  • If you have to correct and re-submit your ad more than 3 times, you will be charged a proofing and design consultation fee of $30.