Harvard Squared

Stop—and Ponder—the Presses
A unique museum in Haverhill, Massachusetts, offers a history of graphic arts.
by Nell Porter-Brown
Focus on West African Women
The Harvard Film Archive features works by director Rosine Mbakam
Janiva Ellis at the Carpenter Center
Newly finished paintings unveiled
Creative Ventures
Shopping locally for the holidays
by Nell Porter-Brown
Holiday Decorating on Steroids
Newport’s mansions further festooned
by Nell Porter-Brown
Urban Enchantment
Spend a holiday overnight in the city, with teas, trees, and festive toasts.
by Kara Baskin
Dancers Respond to “This Crazy Time”
Exploring emotional connections and the climate crisis
by Nell Porter-Brown
The Boston Camerata Turns 70
Celebrating early music
by Nell Porter-Brown
Men and Their Castles
Historic New England explores the “bachelor decorators”
by Nell Porter-Brown
A Victorious Vessel
USS Constitution—for all ages
by Max J. Krupnick