Harvard-affiliated organizations host a variety of lectures, seminars, and social gatherings. For details, contact local clubs directly, call 617-495-3070, or visit www.haa.harvard.edu.
Gundprofessor of neuroscience John Dowling and Asian art specialist Judith Dowling will discuss "The Art of Seeing" at a Graduate School of Arts and Sciences chapter event in Washington, D.C., on January 12. Clowes professor of science Robert Kirshner will speak on "The Extravagant Universe" at a GSAS chapter event in Santa Barbara, California, onJanuary 20. On January 27, professor of psychiatry J. Allan Hobson,M.D., will address the Harvard Club of San Diego on "Sleep, Dreams, and Consciousness."
On February 18, the Harvard Club of Broward County, Florida, will present a discussion of "International Terror" bypolitical scientist Louise Richardson, executive dean of the RadcliffeInstitute for Advanced Study. Houghton professor of chemistry and biochemistry Jeremy R. Knowles, former dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, speaks to the Harvard Club of the Palm Beaches on February 20.