Primus VI

How Harvard Has Evolved

Alumni perspectives on Harvard in crisis, and signs of a changed community

Harvard Professor on Social Psychology for Understanding War

Two scholars’ extracurricular efforts in the Middle East

Harvard Degree Honorands Connected through the Wright Brothers

Three honorands connected in time through Wilbur and Orville Wright, the fathers of aviation

Darker Days

The current disquiets compared to Harvard’s Vietnam-era traumas

Square Scribes

Harvard Square retailers’ tales—and a changing local scene

Presidents’ Paths

Life decisions en route to Massachusetts Hall

Origin Stories

Eminent professors’ life foundations

John Harvard, Reader

John Harvard’s reading matter, a scholar poet, the towering John Fox

Over the River Dept.

Cornhole at HBS, prayer and meditation at SEAS, minerologist’s meter, eclipse aficionado


Course catalog redux, a Chinese take on Harvard “glitz and glamour,” and the mathmetician-movie buff

Ahead of His Time

The inclusive Henry Lee Higginson, and Robert Caro’s productive fellowship

Learners, Grizzled and Downy

An affecting reunion, and Houghton Library accessible to all