Harvard History & Traditions

Jimmy Carter and James Agee ’32

Why this “sovereign prince of the English language” touched the president’s heart

by Lincoln Caplan

Western Civ.

An archaeologist/curator/hands-on humanist, and an artifact from the era of typewritten term papers

by Primus VI

Barbara Lawrence

Brief life of an intrepid mammalogist: 1909-1997

by Jonathan Shaw

Yesterday’s News

From the pages of the Harvard Alumni Bulletin and Harvard Magazine

President Garber’s Quiet Installation

A private ceremony celebrated Garber’s appointment as president.

by Jonathan Shaw

“Find Yourself a Teacher…”

President Garber’s Morning Prayers

by John S. Rosenberg

Convocation 2024: The New Crew Redux

Welcoming the class of 2028 to a challenged Harvard

by John S. Rosenberg

Widsom of the Aged

Alumni perspectives on Harvard in crisis, and signs of a changed community

by Primus VI

“Volts of Your Own Spirit”

Seamus Heaney writes to Helen Vendler.

Crimson Construction

Post-pandemic campus building resumes on a massive scale.

by Jack R. Trapanick