Brazil's "Minister of Ideas"

In the Times story, Unger compares his Harvard experience to "paradise," but says, "There is a problem with life in the garden. It is not dangerous enough...

In the Times story, Unger compares his Harvard experience to "paradise," but says, "There is a problem with life in the garden. It is not dangerous enough...

The New York Times profiles Pound professor of law Roberto Mangabeira Unger, who is taking a leave of absence to serve as minister for strategic affairs in the government of Brazilian president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva.

Unger has taught at Harvard since he was 24 and earned tenure before he was 30. Now, he advises Lula on matters ranging from the economy—he advocates a form of neoliberalism that emphasizes the private sector and the role of markets, but also encourages intervening in markets—to preservation of the Amazon rainforest.

In the Times story, Unger compares his Harvard experience to "paradise," but says, "There is a problem with life in the garden. It is not dangerous enough. Nothing in it can happen that will really shake you up and make you live."

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