The SIGnboard — Reunions Edition

View and submit listings of Shared Interest Group events.

View Harvard Magazine's complete coverage of Commencement 2011.

The Harvard Alumni Association (HAA) has approved more than 30 Shared Interest Groups (SIGs), with interests ranging from architecture to wine and food, from entrepreneurship to science fiction (view a complete list). Harvard Magazine offers a list of scheduled SIG Commencement and reunion activities below; SIG officers may send updates to A chronological list of SIG Commencement events appears on the HAA website.


Alumnae and Friends of Radcliffe College

Radcliffe Day Breakfast. Start Radcliffe Day, Friday, May 27, with the Radcliffe SIG as we enjoy a continental breakfast in the Hilles Penthouse with representatives of the Harvard Women’s Center. They will present the Jane Rainie Opel Young Alumna Award to an outstanding young woman in the tenth reunion class, and we will hear from Radcliffe alumnae in the twenty-fifth and other reunion classes. $10 per person; registration required. 59 Shepard Street; 8:30 to 10 A.M.; wheelchair accessible. To register, or for more information, e-mail


Harvard Alumni Entrepreneurs

HAE Reception. Enjoy an opportunity to meet like-minded entrepreneurs from across the University at an open reception on Saturday, May 28, from 2 to 4 p.m. in Straus Hall Common Room, Harvard Yard. Registration not required; for information or questions, e-mail Tom Black at


Harvard Asian American Alumni  Alliance and South Asian Alumni Alliance

Annual Reunion Reception. On Saturday, May 28, from 3 to 5 p.m. in the Lowell House Junior Common Room, graduates from all classes are invited to meet up with old friends and make new connections through HAAAA and SAAA’s global networks of thousands of alumni. Refreshments served! Hosts include: Pauline Chen ’86; Paul Choi ’86; Soowon Han ’86; Ming Lo ’86, Stephanie Lee ’96, M.B.A. ’01; Yoshiko June Nagao ’96; Vinod Nambudiri ’05, M.D. ’09; Prital Kadakia ’06; Judith Li ’06; Sarah Paiji ’06; and Mridula Raman ’06. Registration not required; for more information, e-mail Not wheelchair accessible.


Harvard Black Alumni Society

Reunion Reception. With great excitement, HBAS announces its tenth annual reunion reception! Each year, this event provides black alumni returning to Cambridge in celebration of their respective reunions an opportunity to gather together with family, faculty, and friends in the spirit of community, reconnection, and fellowship. We hope that you will join us on Saturday, May 28, from 3 to 5 p.m. in Ticknor Lounge, Boylston Hall, in Harvard Yard! The event is free and open to the Harvard community; for questions, e-mail Danice Woodley at


Harvard Gay & Lesbian Caucus 

Annual Commencement Dinner and related events on Thursday, May 26, at Lowell House. We invite you to join us for the Dean’s Working Group presentation on LGBTQ student life at 4:30 p.m.; cocktails at 5; dinner at 7, followed at 8 by guest speaker Ben Schatz ’81, J.D. ’85, one of the co-founders of The Kinsey Sicks, a drag a cappella group. Hear Ben’s story of his transformation from activist to artist to activist-artist. $65 for dinner; free for presentation, cocktails, and speaking program. Register now; for questions, e-mail HGLC.


Harvard Glee Club Foundation

Holden Choirs Alumni Reunion Sing. Join fellow Harvard Glee Club/Radcliffe Choral Society/Harvard-Radcliffe Collegium Musicum alumni from the fifth, tenth, fifteenth, twentieth, twenty-fifth, and thirty-fifth reunions on Saturday, May 28, from 3:30 to 5 p.m. in Paine Hall (North Yard; not wheelchair accessible). Registration not required; for more information, contact Samantha Morrison at


Harvard Humanist Alumni

Alumni and Friends Gathering. Harvard Humanists, freethinkers, agnostics, atheists, and other like-minded individuals are invited to socialize, discuss, and catch up on Saturday, May 28, from 3:30 to 5 p.m. and meet humanist chaplain at Harvard and best-selling author Greg Epstein at the Humanist Chaplaincy at Harvard headquarters, at 12 Eliot Street (not wheelchair accessible). Registration not required; donations to defray food costs accepted. For more information or questions, e-mail Tony Proctor at


Harvard-Radcliffe Science Fiction Alumni Networking Society

Reunion Reception. Fans of science fiction, fantasy, games, and strangeness of all kinds are invited to the annual HRSFANS reunion reception on Saturday, May 28, from 3 to 5 p.m. in the Lowell House Senior Common Room (not wheelchair accessible). Meet kindred spirits, travelers from the past or future, mad geniuses, and the ones who love them. Registration not required; for questions, e-mail Thomas Lotze at


Harvard Undergraduate Women in Business Alumni Network

Reunion Reception. HUWIB is thrilled to welcome back its 2001 and 2006 alumnae! We invite past members to reconnect with fellow HUWIB friends on Saturday, May 28, from 3 to 5 p.m. at Tory Row (3 Brattle Street; wheelchair accessible). Registration required; to register, or obtain more information, e-mail Katie Kaplan at


Harvard University Muslim Alumni

Reunion Mixer. Join other recent and older Muslim graduates of all the Harvard Schools for a reunion social on Friday, May 27, from 2:30 to 3:30 p.m. in Grays 1, Harvard Yard, beginning immediately after Jumuah prayer (1:30 p.m. in Lowell Lecture Hall). Families are welcome! (Wheelchair accessible). Registration not required. For more information or questions, email Khalid Yasin at



Reunion Mixer. It’s back again, the fifth annual Harvardwood reunion mixer! Join Boston-based Harvardwood members, folks in town for reunion week, and current students for food, drink, and general merriment on Saturday, May 28, from 3 to 5 p.m., at Tommy Doyle’s Irish Pub, 96 Winthrop Street(not wheelchair accessible). Registration required; SVP highly recommended. To register, visit the event website; for more information, e-mail David Schrag at


Radcliffe Choral Society Foundation

Alumnae Reunion Sing. Join us in singing favorite RCS repertoire from across the decades. Whether you graduated in the 1930s, the 2000s, or anywhere in between, we’d love to hear your voice! Friends and family are welcome, too. Thursday, May 26, from 4 to 6 p.m. in Paine Music Hall (North Yard; wheelchair accessible). To register (required), or for more information, e- mail Marianne Cook


Signet Society Alumni

Senior/Alumni Post-Commencement Reception. We welcome Signet alumni back to Cambridge for your upcoming reunion! Please swing by the Signet House after Commencement on Thursday, May 26, to reconnect with the Signet and fellow classmates from 4 to 7 p.m. at 46 Dunster Street. Then on Saturday, May 28, from 3 to 5 p.m., attend a reception to reconnect with Signet classmates, renew your connection with the Society, and meet some of the current undergraduate members.RSVPs welcome at or 617-547-0526.


For links to additional Commencement activities, visit:

Business School


Divinity School

Extension School

Graduate School of Arts and Sciences

Graduate School of Design

Graduate School of Education

Kennedy School

Law School

Medical School

Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study

School of Public Health


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