
Radiant, stunning, ever-likable, blonde with sharp mind, style, substance and self-deprecation. Sparkles with irreverent humor, warmth, vibrance, generosity, no hidden agendas. Slender, refined yet unreserved, unassuming, never self-indulgent....(all previous words from friends since I'm finding self-promoting awkward). Reads voluminously. Information junkie, loves Wikipedia, Google, totally transported by The Met Opera. Young widow, former designer, active volunteer. Scrabble-player, passion for gardening, cooking, solace of the outdoors, enjoys tennis, golf, painting courses, WSJ, Cole Porter (singing/dancing), Sawtooths, Maine coast, East Africa next. Boston resident, deep Harvard connection. Athletic, health-conscious, delights in simple pleasures, also consummately adventurous yet wouldn't Heli-Ski or endure swells above 5 feet. Seeking mutual spark with accomplished, cosmopolitan, attractive, kind-hearted, man 55-70. gigi3499@gmail.com, 617-678-4966.