
Linx Dating is an exclusive offline dating network. We are conducting a search for our female client who is located near Washington DC. She is intellectual, 36, Caucasian, 5'7", with a natural healthy look, and a svelte physique. When not working as a part-time pediatrician, she is passionate about her two young girls, reading, exploring, and having fun. Never one to accept mediocrity or the status quo, you will find her to be exceptional in everything she does in her life. Friends would describe her as loyal, genuine, witty, and nurturing. The perfect match is comfortable with commitment and has been married before. He is between the ages of 33-49, Caucasian, Indian, or African American and masculine. The ideal match is a responsible professional, valuing education, and leads his life with a strong moral compass. He's well connected, loving, knows himself, and cares about health and fitness. If you are interested or know anyone who might qualify for this unique search, please contact Founder & CEO Amy Andersen at: amy@linxdating.com or visit www.linxdating.com. No fees. What are you waiting for?