
Outdoor Girl with zest for travel. Enjoy mornings biking on the open road, getting out in nature, sharing time with friends. Beautiful slim figure. Sparkling eyes, eye-catching legs. Balances professional career with cultural, athletic interests that run the gamut: hiking, skiing, kayaking, photography, scuba, rusty tennis, tango, theater, jazz, cooking. Resourceful, affectionate widow. Spiritual, savvy, and genuine. Environmentally aware. Voracious reader with a yen for dark chocolate and spicy red wine. Enjoy museums on a rainy day, Taormina, Sintra and Tanglewood picnics. Seeks bright, educated, even-keeled, kind-hearted, financially fit man who embraces a healthy lifestyle. 58-65. 5'9 plus. morning.sunshine.2013@gmail.com.

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