Risky Lending in Flood Zones
To protect against rising seas, local lenders are selling off risky mortgages.
Harvard’s VirScan exposes viral vulnerabilities
A serological test may reveal the COVID-19 virus’s weaknesses—and expose its strategic decoys.
Butterfly wing secrets revealed in infrared
A study reveals new dimensions to their function and beauty.
Ghost Stories for the Apocalypse
Ken Liu’s speculative fiction on maintaining and transcending humanity
Astronomers name interstellar “ripple” the “Radcliffe Wave”
The massive “Radcliffe Wave” traces a new map of the sky.
Butterflies Show Species Are Not Isolated
Research in butterflies reveals how genes flow among species—and lead to tangled genetic trees
Features | November-December 2019
Science historian Sarah Richardson profiled by Bennett McIntosh
Historian and philosopher Sarah Richardson interrogates the science of sex and gender.
There’s (Still) No Gay Gene
Genes seem to play a role in determining sexual orientation, but it’s small, uncertain, and complicated.
Right Now | September-October 2019
Isaac Kohane studies exceptional responders
Do patients who defeat cancer hold biological secrets?
Cities Too Smart for Their Own Good
Ben Green warns against simple technological solutions for complex problems.
Replacement of Iberian Men 4,000 Years Ago Raises Fresh Questions
Ancient DNA reveals Bronze Age replacement of Iberian men, raising new questions.
Improved gene editing moves ethical questions to the fore
Advances in editing DNA propel consideration of the technology’s use in humans.