Lincoln Caplan

The Supreme Court and Mass Incarceration

A legal scholar’s harsh assessment of the Supreme Court’s rulings on crime

Jimmy Carter and James Agee ’32

Why this “sovereign prince of the English language” touched the president’s heart

Academic Freedom and Free Speech

Robert Post explains how they differ—and why it matters, especially now

The Supreme Court Affirmative Action Rulings: An Analysis

The underlying arguments project clashing worldviews of race and appropriate remedies.

Harvard Defends Race-Conscious Admissions at the Supreme Court

Should the law continue to reflect that the United States is anything but colorblind?

Justice Elena Kagan, in Dissent

Ebbing trust in the Supreme Court, and what to do about it  

Is the Supreme Court’s Role Undemocratic?

Justice Felix Frankfurter, to great controversy, said yes.

Both Sides Now

Tomiko Brown-Nagin’s bifocal view of the civil-rights movement

A Democracy of Opportunity

Liberals must learn from conservatives how to interpret the Constitution in all its dimensions.

Constitutional scholar Noah Feldman profiled by Lincoln Caplan

Harvard Law School professor Noah Feldman’s constitutionalism is a branch of the humanities.