The Harvard Alumni Association has approved more than 30 Shared Interest Groups; a complete list appears at clubs/html/SIGdir.shtml. Harvard Magazine invites SIG officers to share news of their groups’ activities in this space. (Send items to, using SIG in the “class year” line.)
Harvard Arab Alumni Association
HAAA, along with all Arab student groups across the University, will co-host its annual Harvard Arab Weekend on November 18-21. Visit our brand-new website at for details and a registration form, or e-mail with any questions about the HAA or the annual conference.
Harvard Veterans Alumni Organization
HVAO will host a “Welcome (back) to Harvard” for the 150 Iraq/Afghanistan veterans who will be studying at the University this year, notably at the Business, Kennedy, and Law Schools. Details to follow at our website:
Harvardwood Helps is organizing a blood drive on September 11 in Los Angeles. Also in September, we celebrate the Harvardwood Writers’ Competition winners at West Hollywood’s Sunset Marquis. And in October, our annual “Harvard in Hollywood” symposium takes place in Los Angeles. See for details on all these events.
Phillips Brooks House Association Alumni
U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan ’87 will be the speaker and honoree at PBHA’s 2010 Robert Coles “Call of Service” Lecture and Award on Friday, October 15, from 6 to 7 p.m. in Memorial Church. The lecture is free and open to the public; doors open at 5:15 p.m. This annual event brings a significant leader to campus to inspire the Harvard community to deeper engagement in important social issues. The PBHA Alumni Weekend will follow through Sunday, October 17. Activities will include events honoring Professor Coles on the publication of Handing One Another Along, an anthology drawn from his course “The Literature of Social Reflection.” For details on registration and other events, visit our website: