Harvard Calendar

THEATER. The American Repertory Theatre presents Marcel Marceau and the Marceau Company in Les Contes Fantastiques (Fantastic Fables), a collection of mime performances, from September 10 through October 9 at the Loeb Drama Center. For tickets and showtimes, call 617-547-8300 or visit www.amrep.org.

NATURE. The Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics hosts free observatory nights on the third Thursday of each month. For information, call 617-495-7461 or visit www.cfa.harvard.edu. The Arnold Arboretum offers free guided walking tours throughout the fall. Saturday tours will be held on September 4 and 18 and on October 2, 16, and 30 at 10:30 a.m. Sunday tours will be held on September 12 and 26 and October 10 and 24 at 1 p.m. Tours are also offered on four Wednesdays: September 15 and 29 and October 6 and 20, at 12:15 p.m. No preregistration; meet at the Hunnewell Building. For details, call 617-524-1718, ext. 100, or visit www.arboretum.harvard.edu.


The Harvard University Band, shown here in the 1930s, marks its eighty-fifth anniversary with a concert on October 8.


FILM. The Harvard Film Archive presents Direct Democracy: Screening the Modern Campaign, a series of election-related films, from October 15 through 17. On October 19, Taiwanese director Tsai Ming-liang discusses his latest film, Goodbye, Dragon Inn. For details and event times, call 617-495-4700 or visit www.harvardfilmarchive.org.


MUSIC. The Harvard University Band celebrates its eighty-fifth anniversary on October 8 with a special reunion concert at 8 p.m. in Sanders Theatre. The show also features the Harvard Jazz Band and the Harvard Wind Ensemble. For tickets, call the Harvard Box Office at 617-496-2222. For other anniversary details, visit www.harvardband.org.


EXHIBITIONS. All Harvard museums will offer free admission on Sunday, September 19, from 1 to 5 p.m. Dependent Objects, a collection of works by German sculptors, opens on September 18 at the Busch-Reisinger Museum. Prints: System, Style, and Subject, a printmaking exhibition, opens on October 9 at the Fogg Art Museum. Closely Focused, Intensely Felt, an exhibition of selections from Harvard's Calderwood Collection of Islamic Art, continues at the Sackler Museum through December. A Compelling Legacy: Masterworks of East Asian Painting continues until March 2005 at the Sackler. For details, call 617-495-9400 or visit www.artmuseums.harvard.edu. Rudolf Arnheim: A Century of Visual Thinking, an exhibition that examines the emeritus professor's contributions to art and film theory, opens on October 21 at the Carpenter Center for Visual Studies. For details, call 617-495-3251 or visit www.ves.fas.harvard.edu.

Harvard Poets: 1900-1945, a display of photographs and early writings by influential writers (and Harvard alumni) such as T.S. Eliot, Robert Frost, and Stanley Kunitz, continues through September at Lamont Library. For details, call 617-384-9583.

Field Photography: The Marsh Arabs of Iraq 1934 opens on October 22 at the Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology. For details, call 617-495-1027 or visit www.peabody.harvard.edu. The Houses of Ancient Israel: Domestic, Royal, Divine continues at the Semitic Museum. For details, call 617-495-4631 or visit www.fas.harvard.edu/~semitic.

The Harvard Museum of Natural History offers a Halloween family festival with crafts and a scavenger hunt on October 30 from 1 to 5 p.m. For details, call 617-495-3045 or visit www.hmnh.harvard.edu.


Listings also appear in the weekly University Gazette, accessible via this magazine's website, www.harvardmagazine.com/gazettecalendar.


Click here for the September-October 2004 issue table of contents

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