A number of Harvard’s 49 Shared Interest Groups (SIGs; http://alumni.harvard.edu/haa/sigs) are hosting get-togethers during Commencement and Reunion week. Early listings appear below; updates will be posted here as they arrive and at http://alumni.harvard.edu/events/haa-shared-interest-group-2014-reunion-events.
Alumnae/i Network for Harvard Women
ANHW (www.harvardwomen.net) will host a multimedia event—“Surviving Silence”—on Saturday, May 31, from 3 to 5 p.m. in Canaday Hall Basement (wheelchair accessible). In a welcoming and compassionate environment, all survivors of on-campus sexual assault and their supporters are welcome to spend some healing time in the midst of the chaos of reunions. Registration is not required; for more information, e-mail contact@harvardwomen.net. Our SIG is for women from all schools at the University, and welcomes alumnae/i, students, faculty, and administrators.
Alumni of the Kuumba Singers of Harvard College
Our Alumni Sing and Mini Reunion takes place on Saturday, May 31, from 3 to 5 p.m. in the Straus Hall Common Room, in Harvard Yard. Alumni of the group are invited to join other alumni and current group members for an afternoon of song, praise, and fellowship. For details, contact Joshua St. Louis at jhstlouis@gmail.com or visit kuumbasingers.org.
Harvard Alumni for Global Development
HAGD seeks to advance global development by connecting the Harvard alumni community through a collaborative network. Join us for a Face-to-Face Networking Event for members and Harvard alumni with an interest in global development and cross-sector partnerships on Saturday, May 31, from 3 to 5 p.m. at a wheelchair-accessible TBD location. Registration is not required; for more information, e-mail harvardalumniglobaldevelopment@gmail.com.
Harvard Alumni for Mental Health
Our new SIG, for all alumni interested in mental health and related topics at Harvard and beyond, hosts a Reunion Reception on Saturday, May 31, at 3 p.m. in Monks Library at Harvard University Health Services, 75 Mt. Auburn Street (second floor; wheelchair accessible). To register (required) or for more information, e-mail harvardmentalhealthsig@gmail.com.
Harvard Alumni Global Financial Markets Forum
Our new SIG will host a Meet and Greet Networking Event in Cambridge during Commencement week. For an invitation, contact Naushard Cader at Naushard.Cader@post.harvard.edu.
Harvard Arab Alumni Association
Meet the new Arab graduates from Harvard and reconnect with old friends at the Graduation Ceremony hosted by HAAA on Wednesday, May 28, from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. at the Harvard Faculty Club, 20 Quincy Street (not wheelchair accessible). Registration is required; for more information or to register, e-mail hesham.hamoda@childrens.harvard.edu.
Harvard Asian American Alumni Alliance/South Asian Alumni Alliance
All alumni are invited to meet old friends and make new connections at the annual Spring Reunion Reception, from 3 to 5 p.m. on Saturday, May 31, in the Lowell House JCR. Details at HAAAA.Net; for questions, visit Reunion@HAAAA.Net. Refreshments served! Families welcome!
Harvard Black Alumni Society
HBAS holds its annual Reunion Reception on Sunday, June 1, at 3 p.m. (location to be determined). Gather with family, faculty, and friends in the spirit of community, reconnection, and fellowship. For details, visit http://hbasonline.org or e-mail Heather Johnston at heather@olympiapictures.com.
Harvard College Democrats Alumni Network
Please join us on Saturday, May 31, from 3 to 5:00 p.m. in Ticknor Lounge, Boylston Hall, for the second annual Reunion Event for one of the HAA's newest SIGs, the Harvard College Democrats Alumni Network. Connect with friends old and new, and help us to strengthen Harvard’s progressive community. Refreshments will be served. All are welcome! Registration required at http://hcdan2ndannual.splashthat.com. For more information, e-mail Jason Berkenfeld at jberkenfeld@post.harvard.edu.
Harvard Gender & Sexuality Caucus
HGSC welcomes all LGBTQ reunion-goers and their friends to our All Reunion-Classes Reception on Wednesday, May 28, at John Harvard’s Brew House, 33 Dunster Street, from 6 to 9 p.m. On Thursday, May 29, our annual dinner (at Lowell House; dinner at 7 p.m., program at 8) honors Barney Frank ’61, K ‘71, J.D. ‘77, the first congressman to come out and lead an openly gay life in office. To register or obtain details, visit http://hglc.org/dinner.html or contact Lano Williams at lano@thesway.com. On Saturday, May 31, LGBTQ reunion-goers (and families and friends) are invited to an Open House in the Quincy House SCR from 3 to 5 p.m.
Harvard Humanist Alumni
HHA invites alumni to an Open House for the Humanist Community at Harvard at our new Harvard Square Humanist Hub, at 30 JFK Street (fourth floor) on Sunday, June 1, at 1:30 p.m. to explore our space and meet members of our community, or to join our young adult/young professionals group there for the final episode of Cosmos (social at 8 p.m., program at 9 p.m.). Visit http://harvardhumanist.org/alumni/events for details and possible updates.
Harvard Jewish Alumni Network
Please join us at Harvard Hillel’s Rosovsky Hall, 52 Mount Auburn Street, on Friday, May 30, for a reunion-classes only Shabbat Dinner at 8 p.m. and dessert reception (9:30 to 10:30 p.m.). Register at https://guestlistapp.com/events/238881; for more information, call Harvard Hillel at 617-495-4695. On Saturday, May 31, join us for an ice-cream social and cocktail reception for all young alumni classes in Hillel’s Safra Courtyard from 3 to 5 p.m. Register at http://guestlistapp.com/events/243111.
Harvard-Radcliffe Orchestra (Pierian Sodality of 1808)
The Harvard Pierian Foundation invites alumni and supporters of the HRO to a Reunion Reception to celebrate 206 years of music and camaraderie. on Saturday, May 31, from 3 to 5 P.M. in the Common Room at the Office for the Arts, at 74 Mount Auburn Street. For more information, e-mail Matthew Boch atboch@post.harvard.edu.
Harvard Student Agencies/Let’s Go
All HSA and Let's Go alumni are invited to a Reunion Open House on Friday, May 30, from 4:30 to 6:30P.M. at The Harvard Shop, 65 Mount Auburn Street (not wheelchair accessible). Meet and catch up with your fellow HSA/LG alums over drinks and snacks, check out the new Harvard Shop, and meet the current class of student managers. Registration is not required. For more information, e-mail Chris Smiles at chris.smiles@hsa.net.
Harvard Veterans Alumni Organization
HVAO invites all members of the Harvard community to join us at the Memorial Day Service of Remembrance at The Memorial Church on Monday, May 26, at 11 a.m. We encourage the wearing of dress uniforms. There will be a walk focused on Harvard military symbols and memorials that afternoon. For details, visit harvardveterans.org or contact harvardveteransorg@gmail.com.
Drop by our annual Reunions Mixer, held at Charlie’s Kitchen (in the beer garden), 10 Eliot Street in Harvard Square, on Friday, May 30, from 3 to 5 p.m. Find details at www.harvardwood.org.
Holden Alumni
The Harvard Glee Club Foundation, Harvard-Radcliffe Collegium Musicum Foundation, and Radcliffe Choral Society Foundation hold their Holden Alumni Reunion Weekend Sing on Saturday, May 31, in Paine Hall; downbeat at 3:20 p.m. Friends and family are welcome to join us for the Fauré Requiem and some motets just for fun. Send questions to Samantha Morrison-Ma at samantha.morrison@post.harvard.edu.
Phillips Brooks House Association Alumni
You're invited to a PBHA Reunion Reception on Saturday, May 31, from 3 to 5 P.M in the Phillips Brooks House Parlor. Come reconnect with your public-service friends, say hi to PBHA staff, and learn how you can get involved in PBHA Alumni activities . Registration is not required; for more information, e-mail alumnipresident@pbha.org. Updated on 5/2/14 to reflect a change in the date and time.
Radcliffe Choral Society Foundation
We invite all alums in the Cambridge area to participate in our Reunion Sing, followed by our annual meeting, on Wednesday, May 28, at 4:30 P.M. in Holden Chapel (www.rcsfoundation.org).
Signet Society
Signet Society alums and their mates are most welcome to share memories and refreshments, see how the house has been lovingly refreshed, and learn how alums can get involved at a Reunion Reception on Saturday, May 31, from 3 to 5 p.m. at 46 Dunster Street. Registration not required; for more information, e-mail sigsoc@fas.harvard.edu.