Chapter & Verse

Orrin Tilevitz is seeking the origin of “That’s right, Private Aberthistle, put my stump right over there, and give me a hand up.” He found the quotation in a letter from his late father-in-law, “a well-educated officer in Europe during World War II.”


“the thing which man will not surrender” (January-February). Jeanne Hei­fetz sent word that this slightly misquoted phrase comes from the poem “Running,” by Richard Wilbur, A.M. ’47, JF ’50. It appears in part III, “Dodwells Road (Cummington, Massachusetts).”


Send inquiries and answers to “Chapter and Verse,” Harvard Magazine, 7 Ware Street, Cambridge 02138, or via email to

Click here for the May-June 2017 issue table of contents

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