
Off the Shelf

Books about the art and science of eating, on being Zen, helping youngsters grow up, and more

Harvard, H.H.R., Houghton

Invaluable architectural archive published at last

by John S. Rosenberg

A Fictional Century

A book about books—and the protagonist is the twentieth-century novel itself.

by Lydialyle Gibson

What You Can Say, Singing

Liv Redpath’s operatic trajectory

by Nina Pasquini

A Moral Victory

A new history of the Civil War's Battle of Antietam

Maps of the World

The surreal, artistic cartography of Darren Sears

by Lydialyle Gibson

Beyond the SAT

Nicholas Lemann on revising standardized testing to address real educational needs

“Volts of Your Own Spirit”

Seamus Heaney writes to Helen Vendler.

Cultivating Friendships with Trees

A monumental new guide to North American species

by Jonathan Shaw

Off the Shelf

Democratic organizing, “architectural grafting,” the Constitution, offshore wealth, and other new books

From Law Books to Cookbooks

Nisha Vora’s vegan journey

by Claire Zulkey