Many Shared Interest Groups host get-togethers during Commencement and Reunion week. A few early listings appear below; updates will be posted at and at
HAAAA and SAAA Spring Reunion Reception
The Harvard Asian American Alumni Alliance (H4A) and South Asian Alumni Alliance are thrilled to once again host our annual reunion reception to welcome back alumni, their families, and the greater Harvard community. Join us for light refreshments (and cash bar) and great company on Saturday, June 1, from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. at the Maharaja Restaurant, 57 JFK Street (second floor). Families and children welcome! Contact: for more information. Wheelchair accessible.
Harvard Choruses Alumni Sing
On Saturday, June 1, from 3 to 5 p.m. in Paine Hall, join fellow Harvard choral alums under the baton of Beverly Taylor (former associate DCA at Harvard, current DCA at the University of Wisconsin), accompanied by Noam Elkies, as we sing through Verdi's Requiem! Friends and family are welcome; no RSVP necessary. Wheelchair accessible.For more information, email
Harvard Gender and Sexuality Caucus Reunion Mixer
Please join the Harvard Gender and Sexuality Caucus (formerly the Gay and Lesbian Caucus) for a reunion mixer on Saturday, June 1, from 3 to 5 p.m. at the Office of BGLTQ Student Life, Grays Hall (lower-level rear entrance, facing Wigglesworth) . Refreshments will be served. There is no cost to attend, but donations are welcome. Registration required: Wheelchair accessible.
Harvardwood 20th Annual Reunion
Every year, Harvardwood hosts a mixer during Commencement/Reunion Weekend, and this year is extra special because we're also celebrating our twentieth anniversary! So on Saturday, June 1, between 3 and 5 p.m., mosey on over to Charlie’s Kitchen, 10 Eliot Street, in Harvard Square and meet some friendly Harvardwood folks, both local chapter members and alumni in town for reunions. Registration required: Wheelchair accessible.
Harvard-Radcliffe Orchestra Alumni Weekend
Alumni and alumnae of the Harvard-Radcliffe Orchestra can reconnect and reminisce over wine, cheese, and pastries during an informal gathering at the Harvard Office for the Arts, 74 Mount Auburn Street, on Saturday, June 1, from 3 to 5 p.m., offered by the Harvard-Radcliffe Orchestra Foundation (formerly the Harvard Pierian Foundation). Also attending will be Federico Cortese, the current music director of the HRO, current students of the HRO, and members of the Foundation. Registration required: Wheelchair accessible.