On the cover: Rafael Campo. Photograph by Stu Rosner
Cambridge 01238
Letters on opioids, the Bauhaus, legacy admissions, and more
Enduring Connections
President Bacow on friendships formed among and between scholars and students
“No more pencils, no more books…”
Students’ Top 10 list: it’s not academic
May-June 2019

On the cover: Rafael Campo. Photograph by Stu Rosner
The Physician-Poet
Rafael Campo’s compassionate care
Harry Elkins Widener
Brief life of Harry Elkins Widener, theater-loving bibliophile: 1885-1912
Raw and Red-Hot
Could inflammation be the cause of myriad chronic conditions?
America’s Great Modern Justice
A new biography of Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. illuminates the Supreme Court during the centennial of his most momentous dissent.
RIGHT NOW Harvard research and ideas
Rethinking the American High School
What the rare bright spots in American high-school education teach
Reading the Market
Corporate reports contain clues to predicting a firm’s future performance.
Cities Too Smart for Their Own Good?
Ben Green warns against simple technological solutions for complex problems.
John Harvard's Journal University news
“A Sense of Belonging”
A renovation to make Houghton Library “open to all”
Jason Luke
Harvard’s behind-the-scenes Commencement hero
Debating Diversity
Closing arguments in the admissions lawsuit, and affirmative action in broader context
Coming to Terms with Sexual Harassment
Winthrop House tensions and government department concerns
Yesterday’s News
Demonstrating for equality…and other headlines from Harvard’s history
The Faculty’s New Faces
A tenure track, resources for recruiting and retention, childcare, and more contribute to changes in the professoriate.
University People
Transitions, appointments, and honors
News Briefs
ART to Allston and dual-degree decision
New Corporation members, renewing Adams House, and more University news
Campuses’ Cultures
Howard Gardner and colleagues release a seven-year study of higher education in the twenty-first century.
All Instincts
For speedy center fielder Ben Skinner, slowing down is key.
One Shoe, No Problems
7,700 meters of grit and pain
A Cathedral of Sweat
Basketball teams fall short of NCAAs again.
Montage Books, creative arts, performance and more
Weekend Rock Stars
For two Harvard siblings, studying and songwriting went hand in hand.
Harper Lee, Crime Reporter
Casey Cep’s debut book, on a murder trial and Harper Lee
The Comic-Book Storyteller
Graphic novelist Amy Chu
Off the Shelf
Recent books with Harvard connections
A New Story of Suffrage
Fresh portraits of U.S. foot soldiers for women’s right to vote
Misguided Mind Fixers
A history of psychiatry’s troubled search for the biology of mental illness
Chapter and Verse
Correspondence on not-so-famous lost words
Harvard Squared What to do in Boston, Cambridge and beyond
Botanical Bounty
Springtime at New England’s native-plant haven
The Allure of Japanese Prints
Harvard’s enticing Japanese woodblock prints
Peak Experiences
Rock climbing in Greater Boston—and beyond
Buzzing about Bees
Greater Boston’s bee cultures
Harvard Commencement 2019
Speakers, ceremonies, and celebrations
Personal Favorites
An eclectic array of favored restaurants in Greater Boston
72 Hours in Harvard Square
A Harvard Squared local business roundup
Almuni Harvardians far and wide
“Doctor Bugs”
Naturalist Mark W. Moffett investigates insects—and now, evolving human societies.
Overseer and HAA Director Candidates
The official 2019 slates
The Director’s Half-Decade
The HAA’s Philip Lovejoy looks ahead
The SIGnboard: Reunion Week Events
Shared Interest Group gatherings in Cambridge