Cambridge 02138
Coup in Iran, Obama's democracy, squash
March-April 2011

Quotable Harvard
An expert's pick of choice Harvard words
The Gene Hunter
Louis Kunkel’s 30-year quest to diagnose and cure muscular dystrophy
Bao Luong
Brief life of a Vietnamese revolutionary: 1909-1976
Famous Comedian, “Dangerous” Playwright
Ubiquitous on film and TV, Wallace Shawn writes plays that pack the house—with 20.
RIGHT NOW Harvard research and ideas
A Revolution in Corporate Reporting
Integrated reporting gives stakeholders information about the sustainability of a corporation’s business.
An African Breadbasket?
Calestous Juma sees agricultural innovation as a catalyst to promote development.
Multiple Wives, Substandard Lives
Polygyny has mainly negative consequences for women, children, and unmarried young men—and is linked to violence among nations.
John Harvard's Journal University news
Back to the Lab Bench
University provost Steven E. Hyman prepares to step down.
Wanted: Corporation Members, Provost
Searches are under way for new Fellows of Harvard College and for a successor to Steven E. Hyman.
Harvard Library’s First Director
Helen Shenton and a new University-wide management will reshape the libraries for the digital future.
Tackling Teaching and Learning
Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences Michael D. Smith and his colleagues refocus on their educational mission.
Gregory N. Connolly
The former smoker turned anti-smoking guru directs Harvard School of Public Health's Center for Global Tobacco Control.
Prototyping House Renewal
A plan is in hand to rehab "Old Quincy" as a trial run.
Yesterday’s News
Headlines from Harvard history
University Professorship for Paul Farmer, ROTC after DADT, admissions angst, a higher-education update, and other University news
The Frisson of Friction
The Undergraduate takes a chance on a hard and unfamiliar course.
Strokes in Parallel
Tennis co-captains Rosekrans and Cao converge on the court.
Montage Books, creative arts, performance and more
Pizzazz on the Podium
Alan Gilbert’s music that should be heard
On Behavioral Ethics
Analyzing cognition and behaviors to explore how individuals and organizations conduct themselves relative to ethical standards
Bishop Redux
New collections of poems, prose, and correspondence by Elizabeth Bishop
Kosher Delights
Law School alumna Dawn LaRochelle left her law practice to become a caterer and restaurateur.
And the War Came
At its sesquicentennial, a fresh, revealing narrative of the advent of the Civil War
Off the Shelf
Recent books with Harvard connections
Chapter and Verse
Correspondence on not-so-famous lost words
Volleys in F# Major
A new CD of "op-ed pieces with key signatures"
Almuni Harvardians far and wide
Air Afghanistan
Radio news and the "journalism of hope" thrive in a dangerous place.
Return to Harvard Day
A special event on April 6 for reunion-year alumni and their families
Vote Now
The slates of nominees for the Board of Overseers and elected directors of the Harvard Alumni Association are ready.
Alumni Awards
The Harvard Alumni Association honors outstanding service to, and innovation by, Harvard clubs and Shared Interest Groups.
Crimson in Congress, II
An update on Harvard matriculants in the 112th Congress
Comings and Goings
A sampling of Harvard Club events around the country
The SIGnboard
Shared Interest Group early spring events
The Classes
Harvard alumni may sign in to view class notes and obituaries.