The Browser
Off the Shelf
Beach Stones, photographs by Josie Iselin ’84, text by Margaret W. Carruthers (Abrams, $17.95). Here is an international gathering of...
Chapter & Verse
Anne Daniels wonders if someone can identify the following statement, which was “evidently well-known in England in the 1890s”: Is...
Measuring Mankind and Muskrats
Ethnographer Robert A. McKennan, Ph.D. ’33, spent 1929 through 1933 documenting life in several remote Native villages in the interior of...
Chapter & Verse
Rick Stanford asks if anyone can provide the title and author of a poem that begins with the line, “Twenty inglorious Miltons looked at a...
Assessing Admissions
In his new book, The Chosen, Jerome Karabel ’72, Ph.D. ’77, offers a provocative account of undergraduate admissions at Harvard...
Off the Shelf
Who the Hell Are We Fighting? The Story of Sam Adams and the Vietnam Intelligence Wars, by C. Michael Hiam (Steerforth Press, $25.95)...
Instructor Angell Shares His Enthusiasm
New Yorker writer and editor Roger Angell ’42, who has a long-running devotion to the game of baseball, has now produced an episodic...
The Perfect Amateur
For John Updike ’54, Litt.D. ’92, visiting museums is not a chore but a pleasure, one that brings back fond early memories of trips...
Off the Shelf
Prayer: A History, by Philip Zaleski and Carol Zaleski, Ph.D. ’84 (Houghton Mifflin, $29.95). He is a senior editor at Parabola, she is a...
Chapter & Verse
James Wallace seeks to learn the origin of, and find more verses of, parody lyrics for “Pomp and Circumstance March No. 1,” by...