Cambridge 02138
The Power Problem Part of the problem in energizing a passive public about the carbon problem is that the term “global warming” is...
July-August 2006

Fixing Foreign Policy
This essay is adapted from the 2005-2006 Maurine and Robert Rothschild Lecture, delivered on April 24 under the sponsorship of the Radcliffe...
Hervey White
Splendiferous in his purple Russian blouse, with shaggy hair and beard, Hervey White, A.B. 1894, helped transform a tiny village in the...
“Taming” the Rhine
David Blackbourn has an affection for fens and marshes, lush, low-lying polders and high moors of heath and bog. When he leaves his home in...
Psychiatry by Prescription
By the time he reached his early thirties, James was a promising scientist who had all the makings of an academic star. He had earned a stream...
RIGHT NOW Harvard research and ideas
The Baby Business
“Sex sells.” Now sex cells sell, too. In 2004 more than a million infertile Americans paid dearly to conceive a child. Although...
Questions of Character
What are readings from Sophocles, Chinua Achebe, and Joseph Conrad doing in a Harvard Business School course? And why is the professor talking...
Hold the Garlic Mustard
Garlic mustard, Alliaria petiolata, a European native, immigrated to the United States in the 1800s, says Kristina Stinson, “perhaps...
Neurons Sort Nouns
Imagine the brain as a giant filing cabinet. The puzzle of deciphering the labels on the drawers has occupied many a scientist and philosopher...
John Harvard's Journal University news
Unsettled Conditions
The Tuesday of Commencement week, June 6, was radiant—perfect weather for the seniors to march from the Old Yard to Memorial Church...
Honoris Causa
Two women and seven men received honorary degrees at Harvard’s 355th Commencement. Provost Steven E. Hyman introduced them to the...
Commencement Confetti
Lots of M.B.A.s On Commencement day, Thursday, June 8, Harvard conferred 6,706 degrees and 248 certificates. The College granted 1,641 of these...
“We Must Cross Over”
In his Commencement address, President Summers reviewed his priorities. A detailed report on his tenure will appear in the next issue.  ...
A Call to Service
Near the start of his address, journalist Jim Lehrer, who collects bus memorabilia, gave a splendid rendition of a Trailways boarding call...
Commencement’s first product placement, managed by new doctors of dental medicine Prathima Prasanna, of Presque Isle, Maine, and Amy...
Jens Meierhenrich
A very long bookshelf in Jens Meierhenrich’s Harvard office holds a complete transcript of the Nuremberg trial of major war criminals, in...
International Investments
Harvard’s global ambitions to study and know more about the world, and to send more students out into it, were triply boosted at the end...
“The Excitement of Science”
In the fall of 2003, Juliet Girard ’07 arrived at Harvard with first-rate scientific ambitions and a second-rate education. She had grown...
Business School’s Guiding Light
Jay O. Light, an expert in finance and investment management, was named dean of Harvard Business School (HBS)—the ninth since its founding...
Decanal Duo
Kathleen McCartney Photograph by Dina Konovalovia/A Dream Picture Kathleen McCartney, Lesser professor in early childhood development...
Yesterday’s News
1916The Faculty Committee on the Use of English by Students reports that undergraduates “write bad English because of sheer ignorance...
Harvard College Enrollment by Ethnicity and Year
Source: Harvard Office of Budgets, Financial Planning, and Institutional...
Presidential Portrait
On the chill, blustery afternoon of May 1, a piece of Harvard’s living history lit up the Faculty Room in University Hall. The occasion...
Israel and Academia
On March 23, the London Review of Books published a long essay on “The Israel Lobby,” by Harrison distinguished service professor of...
Quantum Leap for Engineering
Harvard’s Division of Engineering and Applied Sciences (DEAS) may soon become a full-fledged school of engineering, under a plan presented...
University People
David E. Clapham Robert J. Sampson Harvard Medical School Courtesy of Robert J. Sampson Superior Scientists The 72 new members of the...
Tough Love
Harvard and other celebrated research universities “succeed, better than ever, as creators and repositories of knowledge,” declares...
Reconfiguring the Curriculum
Much work on refashioning the undergraduate curriculum remains for the next academic year, but the Faculty of Arts and Sciences (FAS) concluded...
Search Sources
Fulfilling its pledge to create formal channels through which to hear faculty and student ideas and views, the Corporation-Overseer committee...
Peak Professors John Y. Campbell John H. Coatsworth Justin Ide / Harvard News Office Justin Ide / Harvard News Office The Faculty of...
The Challenge of Plagiarism
Harvard College has only one course required of every student: “Expository Writing.” Better known simply as “Expos,” the...
Fleeting Fame
Kaavya Viswanathan’s 15 minutes of fame proved unusually nasty and brutish as well as short. Publicity profiles anticipating the...
Zen, and Other Journeys
Recently, my mom was putting books onto a new bookshelf when a red one fell to the floor. “What is this?” she asked, in a...
Down-under Dominator
Seventy-eight feet away at the other end of the tennis court, she doesn’t seem prepossessing. The young Aussie stands five feet, two...
Play Ball
Baseball Harvard (21-20-1 overall) finished the Ivy season with the league’s best record, 14-6, winning the tough Red Rolfe division by...
The Stadium, Returfed
Record it for the history books: the last of 646 football games played on natural grass at Harvard Stadium since 1903 is over and gonethe...
Almuni Harvardians far and wide
This Land Is Your Land
Last year the nonprofit Trust for Public Land (TPL) released a study on transforming a 22-mile loop of largely abandoned railroad tracks and...
Harvard Citizen
With the death of Robert G. Stone Jr. ’45, LL.D. ’03, on April 25, the University lost a rare friend. The longtime member of the...
Graduate School Medalists
Each June, the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences Centennial Medal, first awarded in 1989 on the occasion of the hundredth anniversary of the...
New Leaders
The names of the new members of the Board of Overseers and the new elected directors of the Harvard Alumni Association (HAA) were announced at...
Cambridge Scholars
Four seniors have won Harvard Cambridge scholarships to study at Cambridge University during the 2006-2007 academic year. Physics and...
Long Live Harvard
The oldest graduates of Harvard and Radcliffe present on Commencement day were 97-year-old Bertha O. Fineberg ’31, of Gloucester...
Class Gifts
The University had received $506 million in gifts through May 31 of the fiscal year, $13 million ahead of donation totals at the same time a...
A Fiftieth First
Ten years ago, when Kenneth R. Rossano, secretary for the class of 1956, was chairing the HAA’s Radcliffe-Harvard Relations Committee, a...
Leaders of their Class
Members of the College class of 2006 marched to their Baccalaureate service on Tuesday, June 6, behind their class banner and their elected...
Harvard Medalists
The Harvard Alumni Association surprised President Lawrence H. Summers during its annual meeting on June 8 by awarding him a Harvard Medal for...
Uncommon Chef
In the summer of 2003, a new eatery popped up among the numerous meat-and-potato diners and Sunday-morning-Bloody-Mary bars in Spooner, a...
Musical Activist
Mainstream pop culture churns out plenty of rockers and rappers, but Derrick N. Ashong ’97, G ’08, is plugged into a different...
Historian of Ices
Several years ago, Marilyn Powell, Ph.D. ’66, sat at a gelateria with several friends, indulging herself while playing an impromptu game:...