Cambridge 02138
TERRORISM An acquaintance's discovery of a child's crisply done arm on his roof near Ground Zero just after September 11, and your fanciful...
March-April 2002

Faculty Diversity
When alumni, after a long absence, stroll through Harvard Yard or return to any other university campus, two questions usually come to mind:...
Spring Sampler
Photographs by Jim Harrison unless otherwise indicated. Objects © President and Fellows of Harvard College Here begins an excursion...
"Bobby" Jones
Jones connects at the Flintridge Golf Club in Los Angeles in 1931. Photograph courtesy Sidney L. Matthew. Photomontage by Bartek Malysa...
The New Ancient Trend in Medicine
In the 1950s the American Cancer Society had a Committee on Quackery. Later that turned into a committee on "unproven methods of cancer...
A Woodsplint Basket
Displayed in the "Hall of the North American Indian" at Harvard University's Peabody Museum, the basket looks like many others made in...
RIGHT NOW Harvard research and ideas
Language Wars
Lest you take these English words for granted, consider this: when the United States was founded, only 40 percent of the people living within...
Muscle of Optimism
Most people think of the human heart as a fist-sized, valve-studded chunk of muscle, a pump bright red as Superman's cape and nearly as strong...
Malls on the Median
On a sunny Saturday afternoon in Los Angeles, a woman buys a funky '50s-era dress. A recent immigrant from El Salvador sells a dozen blue-corn...
Cortices in C Minor
This is your brain on music: lighting up all over the place. Mark Jude Tramo, M.D., Ph.D. '98, an assistant professor of neurology at Harvard...
John Harvard's Journal University news
Harvard in Drag: The Collected Works
In the bowels of the Hasty Pudding building at 12 Holyoke Street, a clubhouse with theater built in 1888, is the so-called Elephant Room, a...
Two Charged in Theft
Seniors Suzanne M. Pomey '02 and Randy J. Gomes '02 allegedly stole about $90,000 from the Hasty Pudding Theatricals. They were due to be...
Living Wage: Next Stage
On the last day of January, President Lawrence H. Summers announced that the University would adopt the "living wage" recommendations...
A New Model
For a University committee, HCECP--which included faculty members, administrators, unionized workers, and both undergraduates and graduate...
War of Words
Any new Harvard president was bound to establish new priorities, altering the expectations built up during the prior decade and forging new...
Arts and Sciences Aims
The new annual letter of Dean Jeremy R. Knowles to the Faculty of Arts and Sciences (FAS), disseminated in February...
A Foray into Digital Preservation
Scholarly journals today are born digital, and in increasing numbers of cases, no paper edition is ever published. Typically, only one...
Grade Inflation Resolved
TO: President Lawrence H. Summers FROM: Task Force on Grade Inflation SUBJECT: Findings and Recommendations Illustration by Lynne Foy...
Law School Locale
Harvard Law School (HLS) is carefully weighing the pros and cons of building a new campus for itself in Allston. A "locational...
Heather Gerken
Heather Gerken Photograph by Stu Rosner When the election of a president appeared to hang in the balance, the media came knocking at...
First Fellow's Farewell
Concluding 27 years of service as a member of the Harvard Corporation, Robert G. Stone Jr. '45 will step down as a Fellow of Harvard College at...
Portrait of a Pioneer
On February 11, a portrait of astronomer Cecilia Payne-Gaposchkin was scheduled to be unveiled on the wall of the Faculty Room in University...
Amending Advising
Harvard undergraduates remain dissatisfied with the quality of academic advising they receive in their concentrations. Harry R. Lewis, dean of...
Virtual Mass. Hall
Having brought his office in Massachusetts Hall into the personal-computer age (see "July 2, Day 1," September-October 2001, page 57)...
After the Boom
After a decade of explosive expansion for Harvard's two fastest-growing schools, one faces a deficit and is cutting costs, while the other has...
Landscaping Transplanted The Radcliffe Institute's seminar program in landscape design and landscape design history...
Down by the River
State-of-the-art one-bedroom condominiums within walking distance of Harvard Square can go for more than $400,000 these days. Even faculty...
All about the Details
If you arrived early Saturday morning at the Cambridge Rindge and Latin School (CRLS) on Presidents' Day weekend, you might have been surprised...
A Woman's Studies
I can't explain what I study at Harvard. I am a women's-studies concentrator. After a two-year stint of floating through five large academic...
Eight Harvard seniors will cross the Atlantic to study at Oxford next year as Marshall and Rhodes Scholars. Sarah Moss has been an avid...
Heavyweight Contender
Grappler Dawid Rechul may be the most flexible man in his class
Harvard Squared What to do in Boston, Cambridge and beyond
Harvard Calendar
SPECIAL. Skip on over to the annual CityStep show, performed by Cambridge fifth- and sixth-graders at Sanders Theatre on April 12 and 13. For...
Almuni Harvardians far and wide
Yesterday's News
From the pages of the Harvard Alumni Bulletin and Harvard Magazine