Cambridge 02138
Letters from our readers
May-June 2010

Gutenberg 2.0
Harvard’s libraries deal with disruptive change.
The Pay Problem
Time for a new paradigm for executive compensation
Masauko Chipembere
Brief life of a pioneering African nationalist: 1930-1975
Exploring the weblike structures that underlie everything from friendship to cellular behavior
RIGHT NOW Harvard research and ideas
The Gravity of Glacial Melt
Deciphering sea levels
Secret Ballots, Verifiable Votes
The online voting system Helios offers a prototype for transparency and security in elections.
History Quantified
Applying "natural experiments" to the study of history
John Harvard's Journal University news
The Law School’s Northwest Corner Shapes Up
The building’s façade is now visible.
Global Reach
A new center in Shanghai reflects Harvard’s growing engagement with the People’s Republic.
Vincent Brown
The professor of African and African American studies uses multiple media to study slavery.
Self Improvement
On University governance and management
Yesterday's News
Headlines from Harvard history
Short takes on recent Harvard news
I Saw You…Standing There
Anonymous voices from the lonely Harvard crowd
Game, Match, and High Set
The Harvard men’s tennis team is profiting from a new approach to movement on the court.
Sports Wrap
High honors in squash and wrestling
The Mystique of Red Top
Nearly everything about the Harvard-Yale regatta is unique.
Montage Books, creative arts, performance and more
Highbrow Lingerie
Fashion designer Laura Mehlinger draws on inspirations ranging from Vladimer Nabokow to Prince.
Chapter and Verse
Correspondence on not-so-famous lost words
The Green-Pea Memo
Poking fun “at the academic-bureaucratic mentality of university life”
Skyscraper as Symbol
In Tall Building: Imagining the Skyscraper, Scott Johnson explores the semiotics of these urban giants.
A Cautionary Tale
David Warsh reviews Robert J. Samuelson's The Great Inflation and Its Aftermath
New Ancient Sculpture
Sculptor James Dinerstein’s works in concrete and bronze fuse ancient forms with modern abstraction.
Off the Shelf
Recent books with Harvard connections
Almuni Harvardians far and wide
Seeing the Forest for Its Trees
An alumna works to sustain commerce and conservation
Cast Your Vote
Candidates for Overseer and Harvard Alumni Association director
Comings and Goings
A sampler of Harvard club speakers this spring
Public Service on the Map
A new University website aims to promote public service by Harvard affiliates around the globe.
Sharing Life, and a Lifetime of Causes
Political activists Staughton and Alice (Niles) Lynd have written a memoir about marriage and social commitment.
"Mr. Clean Vegetables John"
John Berlow works to promote safe, sustainable agriculture in Vietnam.
The SIGnboard
News from Shared Interest Groups
Author's Query
David Allyn, Ph.D. ’96, is looking for est graduates to interview for an academic article.