Cambridge 02138
Letters on geoengineering, energy divestiture, drug discovery, and more
By the Books
A letter from the editor on the humanities at Harvard
One Harvard
A letter from President Faust
September-October 2013
Life’s Beginnings
Studying how life bloomed on Earth—and might emerge elsewhere
A Nearly Perfect Book
The poetry critic, the publisher, and the art of bookmaking in a digital era
Self-Fashioning in Society and Solitude
On crafting a liberal-arts education by reading the classics and shaping one's life course
Vita: Henry Beston Sheahan
Brief life of a nature writer in a machine age: 1888-1968
RIGHT NOW Harvard research and ideas
Rise of the Little Guy
The Internet has led to cultural and economic changes that tilt power away from large organizations, argues Nicco Mele in a new book.
Sixteen-Acre Battlefield
Elizabeth Greenspan explores the rebuilding of the Twin Towers in her new book Battle for Ground Zero.
Geology Intersects Biology
A poster by Harvard scientists shows 4.6 billion years of evolutionary history.
John Harvard's Journal University news
Uncommon Space
The Science Center plaza, renovated, becomes a Harvard crossroads.
The Campaign Context
The president and provost put The Harvard Campaign in perspective.
Financial Focus
Putting The Harvard Campaign in fiscal context
The E-Mail Investigation
An outside review of Harvard's e-mail reviews finds further problems of policy and execution.
Harvard Portrait: Judith Grant Long
The associate professor of urban planning studies sports facilities and their impact.
Education and Opportunity
Lawyer James Ryan, new dean of Harvard Graduate School of Education, is a scholar and champion of equal educational opportunity.
Yesterday’s News
From the pages of the Harvard Alumni Bulletin and Harvard Magazine
Invigorating the Humanities
Facing declining enrollments, the humanities seek to reinvent themselves.
Where the Women Aren’t
In the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, efforts are under way to attract more tenure-track women.
Harvard Files Institutional Master Plan in Allston
The University details its 10-year aspirations for development on the other side of the Charles River.
The Undergraduate: Dear Younger Self
A rising senior offers advice to the first-year she once was.
Fresh Fellows
New Ledecky fellows
Harvard news: College dean, HarvardX, socially responsive investing, library leaders, and more
Scrums, Rucks, Mauls
Varsity rugby for women begins a new era in Crimson sports.
Harry Parker
The head men's heavyweight crew coach at Harvard for 51 years died at age 77.
Montage Books, creative arts, performance and more
A Fever for Chèvre
The brothers Sandvoss moved from glitter to goat cheese.
A Bloodbath, Averted
An alumna recounts a refugee crisis in South Africa.
Saxophonically Speaking
Joshua Redman's sonorous voice on tenor
Side Missions, Engines, Joysticks
Assassin’s Creed’s head writer Corey May explains how writers create video games that are immersive and participatory.
“Global Whitemanism”
The capitalist economy and dark dreams of the slaveholding South
Off the Shelf
Recent books with Harvard connections
Chapter & Verse
Correspondence on not-so-famous lost words
Almuni Harvardians far and wide
An Artful Business
Where inspired artists meet aspiring collectors
Capital Connections
An energetic alumni leader emphasizes her “ability to listen.”
Hiram Hunn Awards
The College’s Office of Admissions and Financial Aid honors eight outstanding alumni interviewers.
Reexamining History
Photographer Diana Mara Henry ’69 publishes her collection Women on the Move.
Racing Past Antarctica
Rich Wilson ’72 circled the globe—nonstop, solo, under sail—and has written the tale.
The SIGnboard
Shared Interest Group events in September and October
The Classes
Harvard alumni may sign in to view class notes and obituaries.