Primus VI

Country dance, teachers and graduates, and Stephen Jay Gould

Country dance, saving homework from a burning car, and Stephen Jay Gould on 9/11

Long live long books, the “Diploma Riots,” supporting young scholars

Resesarchers’ lengthy labors, “Diploma Riots,” supporting young scholars

Princeton preps Harvard deans, prophetic Richard Pipes, and more

Harvard’s Tiger deans, the prophetic Richard Pipes, and a high-tech egg

A re-landscaped Massachusetts Hall

Re-landscaping Massachusetts Hall, making the entrance to Harvard Yard more welcoming

Spiders and ties, “Fair Harvard” encore, and Faust’s farewell

Spiders and ties, “Fair Harvard” encore, and Faust’s farewell

Attendance artifact, women’s work, and “Fair Harvard” redux

Attendance artifact, women’s work, and “Fair Harvard” redux

Chaucer for young ladies, Philip Kuhn, TR, and more

When teaching was gendered, Porsche populism, and Harvard’s presidential symbolism

Big names on campus, how to install a president, football at Fenway

Big names on campus, how to install a president, football at Fenway