Meaningful Metrics
A letter from the editor
Cambridge 02138
Scarcity, energy options, David Ferry, home schooling, and more
So That Others May Follow...
A letter from President Faust
July-August 2015

Is Small Beautiful?
Online education looks beyond the MOOC.
The Young T.S. Eliot
A rediscovery of the emerging poet
A Fiscal Faustian Bargain
An economic analyst of sports dissects the assumptions behind Boston's bid for the 2024 Olympics.
Why Can’t We Move?
Rosabeth Moss Kanter on solving America’s infrastructure problems
Vita: Mary Sears
Brief life of an oceanographer and patriot: 1905-1997
RIGHT NOW Harvard research and ideas
Tackling Football Trauma
The Harvard Football Players Health Study aims to treat athletes’ medical problems, from head injuries to torn ACLs.
Why the Internet of Things Is Big Business
What smart gadgets mean for big business
Dealing with Debt
Eliminating the Great Recession’s overhang
John Harvard's Journal University news
By the Book
A mannerly, serious-minded 364th Commencement, from Drew Faust and Deval L. Patrick to Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Honoris Causa
Harvard honoraries to Renee Fleming, Deval Patrick, Denis Mukwege, and more
Addressing Big Questions
President Drew Faust, Governor Deval L. Patrick, and others weigh in during ROTC and Commencement exercises.
Commencement Confetti
Self-effacing senior fellow, senior reunioners, silent protests, and more
Educating “Citizens and Citizen Leaders”
Rakesh Khurana, dean of the College, asks hard questions about the mission of a Harvard education.
Harvard Portrait: Andrew Manuel Crespo
Andrew Crespo ’05 connects the law to real life.
Surgery for All
Lack of access to surgery globally will cost $12.3 trillion during the next 15 years.
University People
A new dean for engineering and applied sciences, a departing public-health leader, the new CFO, top teachers, and more
Yesterday’s News
From the pages of the Harvard Alumni Bulletin and Harvard Magazine
University News Briefs
Endowing engineering and applied sciences, critiquing Gen Ed, addressing sexual assault, and evolving online
Reconstructing the Kennedy School campus, Toni Morrison lectures, inventing venture capital, administrators’ pay, and more
On Your Summer Vacation...
Sharpening your mind during the summer months with a HarvardX course or a faculty profile.
The Undergraduate: The Scientist’s Daughter
A Gen Ed course teaches a booklover about science, and her parents.
“Foot, Ball, Goal”
On scoring in a low-scoring game
Montage Books, creative arts, performance and more
Colonies of Clay
Christopher Adams brings ceramics to life (or vice versa).
Open Book: The Photographer’s Art
Robin Kelsey probes the place of photography within art.
Crimson “Bodice-Rippers”
From lawyering to a literary life.
Chapter & Verse
Correspondence on not-so-famous lost words
Action, Camera, Lights
At Pixar, putting the finishing touches on animated worlds
The Ascent of Man
Tall tales from biology’s Wild West
Off the Shelf
Recent books with Harvard connections
Harvard Squared What to do in Boston, Cambridge and beyond
“Our American History”
Original works by “Golden Age” illustrators on view in Newport, Rhode Island
Meju’s Korean Fusion
The sister restaurant to Bibim in Allston opened earlier this year
Urban Forays
Playing and picnicking in Greater Boston
Dedicated to Craft
A visit to Lowell’s Boat Shop in Amesbury, Massachusetts
Almuni Harvardians far and wide
“Soar and Swing”
Singer Candice Hoyes reinterprets Duke Ellington songs in her new album On a Turquoise Cloud.
Grandparenting Guide
Author Olivia Gentile goes digital in her new project.
Harvard Medalists
Five alumni are honored for their contributions to the University.
Centennial Medalists
The Graduate School of Arts and Sciences honors four distinguished alumni.
Election Results
Newly elected directors of the Harvard Alumni Association
Cambridge Scholars
Four Harvard seniors have won scholarships to study at Cambridge University
The Senior Alumni
Harvard College’s oldest alumni at Commencement
The Classes
Alumni may sign in to view class notes or obituaries.