Cambridge 02138
Quotable Harvard, Vietnam, polygyny
May-June 2011

World’s Best Blogger?
Andrew Sullivan’s views are predictable in only one way: always stimulating.
Fathoming Metabolism
The study of metabolites does an end run around genomics to provide telling clues to your future health.
Vita: Leverett Gleason
Brief life of a comics impresario: 1898-1971
Why Whales?
On learning from nature and the Endangered Species Act
RIGHT NOW Harvard research and ideas
Throughways for Wildlife
A winning proposal to keep cars and critters apart
The “Water Cooler” Effect
Proximity appears to foster quality.
The Dilemma of Choice
In a new book, All Things Shining, philosopher Sean Dorrance Kelly confronts modern nihilism with a guide for learning how to live a meaningful life.
John Harvard's Journal University news
ROTC Returns
As military service is opened to gays, the University agrees to end a ban dating to the Vietnam War era.
Designing from Life
Harvard’s Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering has made a fast start.
The Yard Crew
Meet the men who tend the Yard.
Harvard’s 375th
The University plans for an anniversary.
Reenacting Early Action
Harvard College reinstates nonbinding early-action for applicants.
Learning About Teaching
Readers recall effective, innovative education—and more Faculty of Arts and Sciences “conversations” on pedagogy.
The Public’s “Hard Problems”
An online discussion and poll revise the list of “hard problems” in the social sciences drafted by scholars at a Harvard symposium last year.
Yesterday’s News
Headlines from Harvard history
Beyond Ramen Noodles
The Graduate Commons Program places faculty residents in graduate-student housing.
The passing of a University icon, Commencement speakers, Overseer leaders, humanities and arts honorands, and other University news
The Most Important Course?
Do Harvard undergraduates ponder the meaning of life?
Lefty from Cincy
Southpaw Brent Suter averages nearly a strikeout per inning.
A Pitcher’s Grips
Four pitching grips, demonstrated by Brent Suter
Historic Hoops Season
The men's basketball team wins its first Ivy title.
Montage Books, creative arts, performance and more
Pride of the Indian College
Geraldine Brooks's new novel stars Caleb Cheeshahteaumauk, Harvard's first Native American graduate, A.B. 1665.
Honeybee House Hunting
An excerpt from Thomas D. Seeley's new book, Honeybee Democracy
Street-level Ballet
In Panama, Anna Pasternak helps at-risk youth through dance.
Do or Die
Sugata Bose reviews Great Soul: Mahatma Gandhi and His Struggle with India, by Joseph Lelyveld.
Poetic Paschen
The Chicago poet has spread the good wordings via book, CD—and subway.
Off the Shelf
Recent books with Harvard connections
Chapter and Verse
Correspondence on not-so-famous lost words
Almuni Harvardians far and wide
Echoes of the Central Valley
Chicano writer Manuel Muñoz ’94 mines the “humanizing effect of literature.”
Alumni Sing Out
The Jameson Singers help rekindle a love of music.
Vote Now
The annual elections for new members of the Board of Overseers and for directors of the Harvard Alumni Association are under way.
HAA Reviews Classes
The Alumni Association is reorganizing its outreach to College alumni.
Comings and Goings
A sampling of Harvard club events
The SIGnboard
Commencement and other news from Shared Interest Groups
Crimson Olympian
Frank Gorman '59 shares his Olympic memories.
Marijuana Advocate
Dale Gieringer '68 takes his stand on libertarian and humanitarian grounds.
Hunger Fighter
John Teton '70 directs the International Food Security Treaty Campaign.
The Classes
Harvard alumni may sign in to view class notes and obituaries.