Is Harvard Cool?
A letter from the editor: the Harvard-Stanford competition grows more intense.
Cambridge 02138
Social science, diversity, harpsichords, divestment, hemlocks, and more
A Goodly Company
A letter from President Faust
September-October 2014

The Lowell Speeches Project
“Community-building magic” through public, personal reflections
Synthetic Biology’s New Menagerie
Life, reengineered
Vita: Francis Parkman
Brief life of America’s epic historian: 1823-1893
Time to Tax Carbon
A plan for controlling greenhouse gases while enhancing economic growth
RIGHT NOW Harvard research and ideas
Can Pseudonyms Make Better Online Citizens?
Berkman Fellow Judith Donath says they can.
Unraveling “Racial Threat”
Ryan Enos probes how people react to those of a different race
Was the Human Brain Unleashed?
A new theory posits that as the brain grew, some regions were freed from necessary tasks
John Harvard's Journal University news
Steeple Sounds
Memorial Church’s cracked bell is replaced.
Dunster Deconstruction
House Renewal reaches a whole new scale.
Endowment Exit
Harvard Management Company’s president steps down, as the endowment faces new challenges.
Harvard Portrait: Tanya Smith
Tanya Smith is a biological anthropologist who uses scientific methods to study human and primate teeth.
Yesterday's News
From the pages of the Harvard Alumni Bulletin and Harvard Magazine
How the Faculty Feels
Professors’ contentments—and concerns about diversity and demands on their time for academic advances
Loeb Classical Library 1.0
A digital “rebirth” for the series of Greek and Roman classics
Tibetan Literature, Digitized
Harvard Library helps preserve Tibet’s literary heritage.
Citizen Scholars
The Scholars Strategy Network aims to integrate scholarship into public policy.
University People
Math and science honorands, and a new development dean
Honorand Seymour Slive’s passing, Presidents Faust and Summers together, sexual-assault reforms, and more
Online Evolution
Harvard evaluates “blended” courses that draw on MOOC material.
The Undergraduate: “Charlie Parker, Who Played the Saxophone”
On second-guessing and seeking one’s passion
New Fellows
The new Ledecky Fellows
Run Backward, on a Mission
Norman Hayes explains how he plays defense for the Harvard football team as a cornerback and nickel back.
“Cleat” Hands Off
Football scribe John T. Bethell hangs up his cleats after 43 seasons; Dick Friedman goes on duty.
Montage Books, creative arts, performance and more
Laughter and Lyrics—Legally
Musicals by Benjamin and O’Keefe excite Broadway.
The Brink of Revolution
In Uncertain Justice, Laurence Tribe and Joshua Matz examine the current Supreme Court.
Bears, Oars, Metaphors
Novelist and outdoorsman John Casey’s two new books look at teaching writing and his athletic exploits.
Cinema with Gravitas
Bill Haney makes documentary films that probe social issues.
Off the Shelf
Recent books with Harvard connections
Chapter & Verse
Correspondence on not-so-famous lost words
From personal catastrophe to enforced poverty
Harvard Squared What to do in Boston, Cambridge and beyond
A Park of One’s Own
The last home and private garden of Frederick Law Olmsted, the father of modern landscape architecture
Strings, Sax, and a Dash of Sass
Boston’s chamber orchestra A Far Cry merges genres at the Gardner Museum.
Portsmouth, New Hampshire
Fall travel to New England’s seacoast offers art, history, biking, and great restaurants
Staging Magic
The ART launches a sumptuous world premiere of Finding Neverland
Attention, Please
Boston’s Asta is a tasty adventure
Almuni Harvardians far and wide
“Global Charge”
A Harvard alumna starts her own project aimed at global gender justice.
Embodying Access
New Harvard Alumni Association president emphasizes access to education
Expanding the Mind
At Harvard, learning never has to end
An Expert on Sharing
Tara Altebrando ’92 is the coauthor of a timely book.
Hiram Hunn Awards 2014
Harvard alumni are awarded for volunteer service to the College admissions office.
HAA Awards 2014
The Harvard Alumni Association Awards honor six leaders
Aloian Award Winners 2014
Harvard seniors honored for improving House life
The SIGnboard
Shared Interest Group events during the fall semester
The Classes
Harvard alumni may sign in to view class notes and obituaries.