Cambridge 02138
Readers comment on linguistics and sign language, academic class gaps, “Fair Harvard,” final clubs, and more.
The March for Science
President Drew Faust on scientific research and federal funding
Trump to Research: Drop Dead
The administration’s potentially costly misunderstanding about science
July-August 2017

Poetry, Voiced
In the Woodberry Poetry Room, a landmark audio collection waits to be heard.
Blanche Ames
Brief life of an intrepid botanical illustrator: 1878-1969
Probing Psychoses
Harvard geneticists seek the biological basis for schizophrenia.
An Educated Core
Yale-NUS, Nicholas Lemann, and Minerva remodel liberal arts for the twenty-first century.
RIGHT NOW Harvard research and ideas
The Rise of Vegan Culture
Studying how a movement went from activist activity to aspirational lifestyle
How U.S. Companies Stole American Jobs
Domestic outsourcing, not globalization, has redefined employer-employee ties.
Star Power in Politics
Why people vote for celebrities—even when they say they don’t want to.
John Harvard's Journal University news
Family Spirit, Wetly
Harvard’s wet 366th Commencement proved the occasion for thoughtful conversations about social media, inclusion, and the political landscape.
Honoris Causa
The 2017 honorands
Commencement Talk 2017
Words of wisdom from Joe Biden, Drew Faust, Mark Zuckerberg, student speakers, and more
Commencement Confetti
Regalia update, alumni who serve alma mater, family ties, notable guests, and more features from the festival rites
Graduate-Student Unionization
The status of a contested election
Sarah Lewis
An art historian on race and photography
Diversifying the Faculties
Documenting a decade of gradual evolution in the professoriate
Yesterday's News
The 1932 solar eclipse, the Naval Training School, and more from the Harvard Alumni Bulletin and Harvard Magazine
University People
New Board of Overseers leaders, top teachers, Pulitzer Prize winners, and more
Pending Business: Maths
The vexatious business of defining a gen-ed course in quantitative literacy
Pending Business: Social Organizations
The College’s final-club sanctions: an update
New Law School dean, new House leaders, Harvard’s top salaries, and more
Education, Ever More Online
From HarvardX to the classroom, Harvard Medical teaching online, and more
Our Memes, Ourselves
The Undergraduate dives into meme culture.
Spring Sports
Track and field, golf, crew, tennis
Montage Books, creative arts, performance and more
Comic License
Alan Yang serves up warm, epicurean comedy.
A Postmodern Youth
Tahmima Anam’s Bengal trilogy finds a resting place.
1760s Extracurriculars
The diary of a “unexceptional collegian”—attending class, or not
“Class Cluelessness”
A review of Joan Williams’s powerful book on the resentments reshaping American politics
Off the Shelf
Beach reading, the West, segregation, gardening with children, and more
Chapter & Verse
Correspondence on not-so-famous lost words
Harvard Squared What to do in Boston, Cambridge and beyond
Reflections on a River
Paddling the Merrimack in Lowell and Lawrence
Capturing New England
A Boston Athenaeum print exhibit reveals “a distinctive sense of place.”
A Rural Retreat
Lincoln offers rich history, nature trails, local food, and art.
The Eating Is Easy
Massachusetts restaurants in lush country settings
Almuni Harvardians far and wide
Widening the College Pipeline
Harvard alumna Debbie Bial's Posse Foundation and a “new national leadership pipeline”
Centennial Medalists
Honorands whose contributions to society emerged from graduate study
The 2017 Harvard Medalists
Honorees include an architect, athletics enthusiast, and longtime University administrator.
Celebrating Senior Alumni
The oldest graduates at Commencement
New Harvard Overseers and HAA Elected Directors
The annual election results
Cambridge Scholars
Four from the class of 2017 are off to the other Cambridge.