On the cover: Tomiko Brown-Nagin. Photograph by Jim Harrison
Cambridge 02138
Endowment litigation, food waste, western Massachusetts
A Just World at Peace
President Bacow on Harvard Divinity School
On Readers’ Behalf
Recognizing writers and artists for distinguished work during 2021
Crimson Clear
Time for greater Harvard transparency
January-February 2022

On the cover: Tomiko Brown-Nagin. Photograph by Jim Harrison
Both Sides Now
Tomiko Brown-Nagin’s bifocal view of the civil-rights movement
Adamantios Korais
Brief life of a leader of the Greek Enlightenment: 1748-1833
Reporting, with an M.B.A.
Charles Duhigg unpacks how individuals and organizations work at war, on Wall Street, and in Silicon Valley
The Poet of Old Age
Donald Hall, chronicler of life
RIGHT NOW Harvard research and ideas
Thank the Rich for Low Rates?
High savings rates among the wealthiest U.S. earners may represent a macroeconomic risk
Will Cities Survive Another Pandemic?
Inequities threaten the long-term health of cities
Your Brain on Exercise
The hormone irisin, promising as a therapeutic against Alzheimer’s and dementia, is responsible for the cognitive benefits of exercise.
John Harvard's Journal University news
Harvard Football’s Stolen Ivy Title
The Crimson’s final win should have clinched an Ivy championship.
Math Professor Lauren Williams Explores New Ground
Williams feels at home researching underexplored subjects.
On Firmer Footing
Robust financial results despite the pandemic, and historic endowment returns
The Faculty Faces Its Future
Better results than expected during the pandemic, and a sweeping effort to plan for academic improvements
Yesterday’s News
Headlines from Harvard’s history
News Briefs
Legacies challenged, campus sustainability, affirmative-action litigation, and honored scientists
No more Harvard Teacher Fellows, universities and slavery, and more
Culinary Postcards
Food has always been a contentious topic among undergraduates.
Montage Books, creative arts, performance and more
Damage and Repair
Textile artist Celia Pym knits meaning into mended clothes.
Thinking Straight
Steven Pinker on rationality
War, Misremembered
Elizabeth Samet, of West Point, reinterprets the American understanding of World War II.
From Punk to the Silver Screen
The ingenious, intuitive film scores of Carter Burwell ’77
Border Crossing
Author Rudy Ruiz carries on his Mexican-American family’s storytelling tradition.
Off the Shelf
Recent books with Harvard connections
A Democracy of Opportunity
Liberals must learn from conservatives how to interpret the Constitution in all its dimensions.
Harvard Squared What to do in Boston, Cambridge and beyond
“Armenian creativity, culture, and survival”
A museum reflects an ancient civilization and the modern global diaspora.
A Post-Plague Outpost
Candice Lin’s otherworldly refuge
Natural Winter Wonders, Mass Audubon
Getting outside and enjoying the New England’s winter season
Fresh Start
Wellness and physical fitness destinations in the Cambridge area and beyond
Almuni Harvardians far and wide
Notes on Doctoring
Michael Stanley and the covenant of medicine
Celebrating Alumni, Anew
Changes afoot for Harvard’s annual alumni meeting