Cambridge 02138
Tuberculosis, space and time, military matters...
September-October 2008

The Economic Agenda
Challenges facing the next president
Greening China
Market-based policies for air-pollution control
Albert Bickmore
Brief life of a museum impresario: 1839-1914
Seriously Funny
Ian Frazier combines an historian's discipline with an original comic mind...
Works and Woods
Architecture and ecology in Japan...
RIGHT NOW Harvard research and ideas
The Teen Brain
It’s a paradoxical time of development. These are people with very sharp brains, but they’re not quite sure what to do with them...
Proof Positive
Richard L. Taylor’s work connects two discrete domains of mathematics: curved spaces, from geometry, and modular arithmetic, which has to do with counting...
Man, Mongoose, and Machine
Standing outside a Sri Lankan army base in the spring of 2007, Thrishantha Nanayakkara mapped an entire minefield without once setting foot in it.
Prescription for Error?
In recent years, safety recalls of widely prescribed drugs like the pain-killer Vioxx have sent an unsettling message to consumers.
John Harvard's Journal University news
Back, but Not to the U.S.S.R.
On the sweltering afternoon of July 8, more than 100 onlookers crowded Winthrop Street to watch the Lowell House bells descend...
Medical Makeover
A new master's program and expansion of the M.D./Ph.D. program are two among many changes to emerge from the Harvard Medical School (HMS) strategic-planning process...
Doing Community Medicine
A few years ago, instructor of medicine Pieter Cohen began noticing a strange pattern of symptoms among some of his Brazilian immigrant patients...
Alvin Roth
Alvin Roth loves how open economics is to people and ideas from different fields...
Yesterday's News
From the pages of the Harvard Alumni Bulletin and Harvard Magazine...
Back on the Field
An injury endangers a striker's season...
University People
Edward C. Forst ’82 has been named Harvard’s first executive vice president, effective September 1.
Fall Preview
Football and soccer previews...
Environmental Action
Harvard is already trying many green initiatives; it will need to do much more to meet its new greenhouse-gas emissions goal...
Harvard by the Numbers
As FAS dean Michael D. Smith illustrated with these figures, social sciences (economics, government, history, and so on) attract the largest number of College concentrators...
Young Audubon
Jean-Jacques Audubon did not become the internationally celebrated John James Audubon of The Birds of America overnight...
The Liberal Art of Engineering
The 10-year tenure of Venkatesh Narayanamurti, dean of the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS), will end in September...
Shanghai Central
Harvard on July 1 opened the newest in an expanding network of international offices, in Shanghai, and is scheduled to launch another in Beijing...
The first Allston science laboratories, now under construction, will present a rectilinear face to the surrounding streets...
Rookie Redux
I realized that college was over when I opened up the large diploma case to show my family the product of four years’ labor and found...
Welcome, Fellows
Harvard Magazine’s Berta Greenwald Ledecky Undergraduate Fellows for the 2008-2009 academic year will be Brittney Moraski ’09 and Christian Flow ’10...
Montage Books, creative arts, performance and more
Straw and Sustainability
In “The Three Little Pigs,” the big, bad wolf huffs and puffs and easily blows down the first piglet’s straw house.
"Anti-Dominant" Journal
A small home for good writing
Felonious Mayhem
Enron and other capitalist calamities
"A Liar's Biography"
An art forger's success has less to do with his prowess as a visual artist than with his use and misuse of history.
Off the Shelf
Recent books with Harvard connections
Chapter & Verse
Correspondence on not-so-famous lost words
A Tale of Two Detectives
Lauren Mechling writes in the thriving young-adult genre.
Almuni Harvardians far and wide
"Open to Difference"
Three alumnae rabbis help redefine an ancient calling...
Harvard Proponent
The Harvard Alumni Association’s new president is Walter H. Morris Jr. ’73, M.B.A. ’75...
Partnering with Survivors
Megan Berthold ’84 is director of research and a therapist for the Program for Torture Victims (PTV) in Los Angeles.
Joel Derfner’s new book reveals some hidden depths.
Man with a Plan
Afam Onyema ’01 has a job that he wakes up “hungry” to pursue, that has become the passion of his life.
Aloian Scholars
Amanda Fields ’09, of Lowell House and Vista, California, and John Sheffield ’09, of Pforzheimer House and Fayetteville, North Carolina, are this year’s David Aloian Memorial Scholars.
Comings and Goings
Harvard clubs offer a variety of social and intellectual events...
Memorial for Henry C. Moses
Alumni, faculty, staff, and friends are invited to remember Henry C. Moses, dean of freshmen at Harvard College from 1977 to 1991.
Hiram Hunn Awards
Six alumni will receive this year’s Hiram S. Hunn Memorial Schools and Scholarships Awards...