Cambridge 02138
Readers comment on privacy, gender agendas, the Horsehead Nebula, and more.
Arts First
President Faust on Crimson creativity and “constructive imagination”
Speaking Strategically
A comment on how institutions present, and understand, themselves
86 Across
A longtime contributor hangs up his pencil.
March-April 2017

Quiet, Please
Susan Cain foments the “Quiet Revolution.”
An “Enchanted Palace”
A humanistic “masterclass” for Houghton Library's seventy-fifth anniversary
Henry Knowles Beecher
Brief life of a late-blooming ethicist: 1904-1976
Colossal Blossom
Exploring the genetic mysteries of a gigantic parasite
A Workable Democracy
The optimistic project of Justice Stephen Breyer
RIGHT NOW Harvard research and ideas
Eating for the Environment
Gidon Eshel explains the environmental, social, and political effects of food choices.
Why Is Cancer More Common in Men?
Scientists think they may have an answer.
Foreseeing Self-Harm
Traditional methods of preventing suicide have been ineffective, says psychologist Matthew Nock.
John Harvard's Journal University news
Bouncing Back
Basketball teams pursue Ivy League tournament titles.
Endowment Overhaul
New leadership begins sweeping change, attempting to improve persistent underperformance.
Washington Worries
On the agenda: challenges to endowments and philanthropy
Sanctions Scrutinized
Broadening the debate on Harvard’s single-gender social organizations
Faculty Figures
In the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, slow growth and changing demographics
Harvard Portrait: Elizabeth Hinton
A scholar of race, justice, and public policy
University People
A change at Harvard University Press, and more
Yesterday's News
A morgue for movies, and more from the Harvard Alumni Bulletin and Harvard Magazine
A Coddled Campus?
The Undergraduate considers campus debate and action in a polarized era.
The Law School dean steps down, graduate-student union balloting, divestment, and more
A “Players’ Coach”
Ted Minnis makes Harvard an East Coast power in a West Coast sport.
Sports in Brief
Hockey, squash, swimming and diving: winter sports in brief
Montage Books, creative arts, performance and more
Reel Revolution
How Black Journal raised the country's consciousness, and opened Kent Garrett's eyes to television's potential
Desire and Design
Probing the primal drives of a landmark architect
Reality Fiction
Elif Batuman’s novel The Idiot reflects on her Harvard freshman year.
Harmonic Progression
Composer Robert Kyr embraces love, peace, and nature.
Chapter & Verse
Correspondence on not-so-famous lost words
Off the Shelf
Wordsworth seen anew, and other recent books
Holding Emotion “At an Observer's Distance”
Adam Kirsch reviews Megan Marshall’s biography of poet Elizabeth Bishop.
Harvard Squared What to do in Boston, Cambridge and beyond
Time Apart
Wild beauty and meaningful retreats on New Hampshire’s Star Island
Dress for Excess
Fashion collides with high art at the Peabody Essex Museum.
Elucidating Public Health
Artifacts used to fight American epidemics, at the Public Health Museum in Massachusetts
Animal-Free Dining
Expanding vegetarian dining options in Greater Boston
Almuni Harvardians far and wide
Labor Litigator
Attorney Shannon Liss-Riordan takes on the app economy.
Harvard’s 366th Commencement Exercises
Guidelines for the gala
Harvard Overseer and HAA Director Candidates
The 2017 slates
HAA Clubs and SIGs Awards
Harvard celebrates its volunteer alumni leaders.