Cambridge 02138
Endowment taxes, final clubs, Chapter and Verse
Topping Off
President Drew Faust on Allston
Searching Insights
Ideas from Harvard’s presidential search
March-April 2018

The Mirage of Knowledge
Tom Nichols dissects the dangerous antipathy to expertise.
Art and Activism
Rediscovering Alain Locke and the project of black self-realization
Mary Ellen Avery
Brief life of a groundbreaking neonatologist: 1927-2011
A New Green Revolution?
Abundant food and better than ever?
RIGHT NOW Harvard research and ideas
The Newsmakers
Observations from Twitter prove that even the smallest news outlets can shape public opinion.
The Emergent Mind
Research with infants suggests the ability to understand abstract relationships.
Of Mice and Mating
Mate choice is often controlled by genetics, but sometimes culture plays a role.
John Harvard's Journal University news
Klarman Construction
Harvard Business School’s evolving campus
Endowments, Taxed
The new tax law boosts financial pressures.
Final-club Finality
The Corporation decides.
Makeda Best
Focusing on the Harvard Art Museums’ new photography curator
News Briefs
Allston development, advanced standing, Medical School monies
University People
Development leader departs, undergraduate ed dean steps down, and more
Grad-student unionization, sexual assault, and more
Yesterday’s News
Headlines from Harvard’s history
Harvard and the Valley
The Undergraduate on Silicon Valley at Harvard
Growing Pains
A young men’s basketball team battles inconsistency.
Steering Softball
Under coach Jenny Allard, Crimson players come alive together.
Montage Books, creative arts, performance and more
Brew’s Clues
A historian tracks the craft-beer boom, and the evolution of American taste.
Comedy Compulsion
TV writer Nell Scovell looks back on Just the Funny Parts.
Slaves’ “Private Arenas”
The power and legacy of African-American folktales
Time in Space
Renée Green’s exhibition “Within Living Memory” closes her Harvard residency.
Off the Shelf
Recent books with Harvard connections
Can Science Justify Itself?
Steven Pinker’s Enlightenment Now defends science from modern-day foes.
Chapter & Verse
Correspondence on not-so-famous lost words
Harvard Squared What to do in Boston, Cambridge and beyond
Hidden Treasures
New Britain’s “Little Poland” and museum of American art
“Gorey’s World”
Edward Gorey’s own art collection at the Wadsworth Atheneum
Boston Roller Derby
Harvard ties to the increasingly popular, rigorous sport
The Cambridge Science Festival
Engage in “hands-on, creative activities directly with scientists.”
Broadsheet Coffee Roasters
An antidote to Starbucksification?
Almuni Harvardians far and wide
Tuning In to Urban Noise
Erica Walker aims to put “tools and data into the hands of people who can use it.”
HAA Honors Alumni Clubs and SIGs
A celebration of significant alumni and shared interest groups
Overseer and Director Candidates
The official 2018 slates
Harvard’s 367th Commencement Exercises
Guidelines for the gala 2018
Justice Seeker
Stephen J. Rapp seeks justice for Syrian victims of war crimes.